Author Topic: All over the place.....  (Read 6355 times)

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Re: All over the place.....
« Reply #90 on: June 13, 2009, 08:11:01 am »

I have missed you all. I knew I loved BW but oh my goodness the last week has been hard! We have started solids and he is now having breakfast and lunch and its going ok. No constipation as yet but his wee poos have been a little more formed than usual. Not too worried as he isn't straining to pass them.

 We are consistantly getting 1 good nap a day and last week I had a textbook EASY day which I was thrilled about. He is generally less tired and sleeping alot better at night and we are only getting random EW's which I am also thrilled about. I do have problems fitting everything into the day though in regards to bottles, naps and solids. His lunch can either be before or after a nap depending on how he has slept in the morning but not too worried at the moment just having fun with it. I have been feeling much better about everything and alot less stressed about rubbish naps and ew's.

Oh and he also cut that pesky tooth, its so cute! Right on his 6 month birthday, I had been checking every morning and lo and behold there it was! Dreading the next bout of teething but think I am better equipped to deal with it next time as i'll know for sure whats going on. We live and learn!

 How are you folks? Have you successfully dropped the nightfeeds Beata?

 I read on the temp forum that Abi wasn't too well. I hope she's feeling better now and that temp has come down.

 Let me know what you're all up to and how things are going.

Emma xxx

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Re: All over the place.....
« Reply #91 on: June 15, 2009, 01:23:39 am »
So happy things are looking up for you guys Emma! We are in the same place regarding fitting everything two days ever seem the same, but we are just going with it! We traveled to visit my parents and had a few issues creep up (Elli is intolerant of dairy, and I was testing it - had a piece of pizza - and she was miserable :( )So night are still a pain, but I am slowly weaning her now, and she takes more water at night now so I hardly feed her. I'll have to update my thread!

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Re: All over the place.....
« Reply #92 on: June 16, 2009, 19:50:34 pm »
Hello ladies,

Emma, so pleased that things are going well with Brodie.  Yay on the tooth and the solids.  With regards to banana, it is one of those fruits which can go either way.  Some lo's it constipates them and with others it helps them go.  With both my kids, a banana a day, keeps constipation away  :P

Hugs on the dairy intolerance Barbara, poor bub.

Thanks for asking Emma, yes Abi was really unwell.  I was terrified with her temp being so high - it was 104 at one point.  Both DH and I were watching her through the night to make sure she did not have a convulsion.  Thankfully, the second visit to the docs and they eventually gave us some antibios for her throat, and we had a happy Abi again once the meds kicked in.
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