Author Topic: Started GW with 13 month old, now what?  (Read 706 times)

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Offline mamaofalex

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Started GW with 13 month old, now what?
« on: April 28, 2009, 14:12:58 pm »
We started GW with my DD about 2 weeks ago.  She has always slept in her crib but never put herself to sleep before.  Last week she had a cold so we held back but now that she's better we are back on it. 

NWs have become a dream.  She has 0-1 a night and a simple laying her down, key phrase and some patting get her back to sleep within 10 minutes at the most.  We can live with that!

The going to sleep is the issue.  She is getting herself to sleep on her own, yay!  We sit in the room and do some occasional PD, key phrases and patting.  The issue is that she takes around 2 hours to get herself to sleep because she is playing in the crib.  The main issue is that she is just not getting enough sleep at night because of it.  We can't put her down earlier because we both work and we can't get her up any later because we have to leave.

No nap issues.  She is at a sitter's during the day who has put her down awake from the get go (a lesson learned there!)

Her schedule is a bit different depending on the day, but here it is in general....

6:30 wake up
7:30 eats breakfast
9:30 bottle (we're weaning!)
10 first nap, usually 1 1/2 hours
12 lunch
2 bottle
3 nap, never sleeps past 4
6:30 start bedtime routine (never changes)

Any ideas?  She doesn't cry much which we like, but do we need to be more firm?  Try WI/WO?  Maybe just give it more time?  Thanks for your input!

Offline skatty

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Re: Started GW with 13 month old, now what?
« Reply #1 on: April 28, 2009, 17:24:54 pm »
How long is your bedtime routine? Maybe she is a little UT and so plays and then goes past her sleep window and is OT. Maybe you could try adding 15 mins A time in the evening and see if it helps. Do you think you being in the room could be distracting now? Maybe it is time to move onto WIWO. Congrats on your sleep training so far, you have done a great job  ;)

Offline KellyC

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Re: Started GW with 13 month old, now what?
« Reply #2 on: April 28, 2009, 19:46:23 pm »
Well done, sounds like things are going pretty well except this one issue!

We did GW with Zander sometime after Nathaniel arrived, so he must have been about 22 months (quite a bit older than your LO obviously).  Every 3 nights I made sure to take the process one step further, even though it was tempting to think things were fine as they were.  So if you're sitting right by the cot, move into the middle of the room, then close to the door, then outside the door etc.  I agree that it could be your presence keeping her playing so getting out of there and leaving her to it might be the key!  WI/WO is the other option of course.

Kelly x
Mummy to Zander (2005), Nathaniel (2007) and Caleb (2009)

Offline brenda2

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Re: Started GW with 13 month old, now what?
« Reply #3 on: April 28, 2009, 21:49:06 pm »
i think she's not tired enough and that's why it's taking her 2 hours to get to sleep.  if she just woke up at 4pm then at 6:30 she's just not tired enough to be going to bed.  if your first nap of the day is the longer one then i would try limiting her second nap.  try to cut it to just 30 min, don't let her sleep past 3:30 and then keep bedtime the same.

if she's not crying much and happy during the day and happy to play in the crib at bedtime it sounds like UT to me.  i agree with PP that you could leave the room during the bedtime, no reason you need to be in there for 2 hours if she's happy.  it's fine if she's in there playing and if she cries you can go in and do PD and your key phrase and then leave again.

she should be starting the 2 to 1 nap switch at this age so basically the first nap will be moving a bit later in the day gradually and then 2nd nap will become shorter and shorter until it's gone.

my LO was on 1 nap at 13 mo and everything went so much better after we made the switch (providing she's ready of course)


Offline mamaofalex

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Re: Started GW with 13 month old, now what?
« Reply #4 on: April 29, 2009, 16:12:14 pm »
Thank you all for your advice and thoughts!

A quick update just from last night.  We went for a walk and she was so tired that she fell asleep.  I could hardly wake her until I changed her diaper for bed time (then she was wide awake!).  She got her 2 books read, a song and bottle and some rocking before being put in her crib.  She was still awake and wanted to play again.  I would PD and she kept popping up so I decided to do a WI/WO.  She went hysterical the second I approached the door to leave the room and wouldn't calm down.  I wasn't prepared for hysterics so I kept doing PD and only WO when she wouldn't lie down, explaining what I was doing as I did it.  Long story short, she was asleep on her own in 1 1/2 hours, a slight improvement and slept in longer than normal (by about 30 minutes) getting almost 11 hours last night!