We started GW with my DD about 2 weeks ago. She has always slept in her crib but never put herself to sleep before. Last week she had a cold so we held back but now that she's better we are back on it.
NWs have become a dream. She has 0-1 a night and a simple laying her down, key phrase and some patting get her back to sleep within 10 minutes at the most. We can live with that!
The going to sleep is the issue. She is getting herself to sleep on her own, yay! We sit in the room and do some occasional PD, key phrases and patting. The issue is that she takes around 2 hours to get herself to sleep because she is playing in the crib. The main issue is that she is just not getting enough sleep at night because of it. We can't put her down earlier because we both work and we can't get her up any later because we have to leave.
No nap issues. She is at a sitter's during the day who has put her down awake from the get go (a lesson learned there!)
Her schedule is a bit different depending on the day, but here it is in general....
6:30 wake up
7:30 eats breakfast
9:30 bottle (we're weaning!)
10 first nap, usually 1 1/2 hours
12 lunch
2 bottle
3 nap, never sleeps past 4
6:30 start bedtime routine (never changes)
Any ideas? She doesn't cry much which we like, but do we need to be more firm? Try WI/WO? Maybe just give it more time? Thanks for your input!