Author Topic: back again for help 2  (Read 4144 times)

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Offline kayasmama

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Re: back again for help 2
« Reply #15 on: April 29, 2009, 22:45:13 pm »
Today has been interesting. I APOP for her first nap so she got a solid 2 hour nap ( and I got a little snooze too:)). Since she had such a good nap, I started wind down at 1 hour 20 (usually at 1 hr 10) and she was a little fussy but fell asleep in 5 min giving her an A time of 1:25. She still woke at 45 min and I had to pick her up and pat her for 10-15 min, but she did go back to sleep to the 1 1/2 hr mark. Her next nap, I just watched her. She did her tired sighs at 1:10, but I decided to push it a little. She yawned at 1:15 so I raced her to her room, and she took 10 min to fall asleep, giving her 1:25 A time again. This time I just waited until I heard noises from her and went in and pat/hum for 20 min and she stayed asleep-yay! Still a alot of work but she was just stirring and didn't come close to waking. So, I am putting her down later but she is falling asleep faster, still giving her a shorter A time. We've only had one interrupted nap, but maybe it's a start? Maybe putting her down just 5 min later is the key?
It's been an hour and 40 min and she's still asleep:)
She is a spirited lo, so she will stay awake as long as I let her. I know though that when we are out, she is crying for sleep at 1 1/2 hrs exactly. I have never been able to tell if her short naps are UT or OT.
We are going to try mylanta tonight for short term reflux relief and are waiting to hear back from the MD regarding changing her meds..... we'll see what happens tonight...

Offline kayasmama

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Re: back again for help 2
« Reply #16 on: May 01, 2009, 13:44:45 pm »
So that one nap was a fluke. We have not had a good nap since and our nights are just as bad. But reflux is definitely an issue. Md said no to mylanta and just increased her zantac. Her EW is also the same. Are we doomed to be zombies for now? I feel like she is learning bad habits from APOP. It's frustrating because a month ago she would only wake at 3. Now we are lucky if she sleeps 2 hrs.

Offline becky1969

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Re: back again for help 2
« Reply #17 on: May 01, 2009, 14:11:09 pm »
Hugs, honey.  Increasing the Zantac seems like a dubious change.  Def. try it, but if no improvement in a week I'd ask doc for a *different* med, like Prevacid etc.

Don't worry about the AP when your LO has reflux.  Believe me, once the reflux goes away so do most of the sleep problems.  you will cry at how easy it is to sleep train when LO isn't in pain.  Do you love your ped? If not, then I might consider a consult with someone else.  If you do love your ped, then stay with the zantac increase and watch for improvement.

Reflux is SO hard.  If you haven't already, go on over to the reflux board.  there you'll get lots of support from sleepy moms like you. Her sleep problems have NOTHING to do with you!! Your LO is hurting. It makes it hard for her to sleep very long.  There's only so much you can do in that type of situation.  Raising the bed and all that are some of the things you can do, so make sure you do that.  You might experiment with letting her nap in an upright position, like in a bouncy chair.  When my son's reflux was at it's worst, I would strap him in his bouncy and put him on the floor next to my bed where I'd nap next to him.  It often helped give him the extra elevation he needed.  Check out reflux thread for more ideas on how to help LO.

I'm so sorry, my dear.  Being exhausted is no fun.  Sleep deprivation caused by sleeping in 2 hour spurts is the WORST.  You just can't think straight.  You guys just need to find the right medication, so keep on your doctor.  Mama knows best.  :-*
Owen, 12/28/05 7 lb 2 oz

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Offline becky1969

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Re: back again for help 2
« Reply #18 on: May 01, 2009, 14:12:58 pm »
On the other hand, most LOs are able to do 1h45 at this age, so have a 1h20 A time seems pretty low, even for an OT LO.  I think I might increase A time to around 1h30 for 2-3 days, and then to 1h45 and see what happens.  Look, it can't get much worse.  You've already got NWs and short-naps! So, let's try pushing her out to the 'normal' sleep window and see if that changes things.
Owen, 12/28/05 7 lb 2 oz

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Offline kayasmama

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Re: back again for help 2
« Reply #19 on: May 01, 2009, 15:09:35 pm »
Thanks:) I agree about the waketime- what do I have to lose. I am calling the md back today to push for a med change. She told me no yesterday but maybe if I am a little more annoying...:)

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Re: back again for help 2
« Reply #20 on: May 01, 2009, 15:39:13 pm »
If you are seeing a family doc/GP you may need to ask for a referral to a pediatrician.  If you are seeing a pediatrician already, then ask for a referral to a pediatric gastroenterologist (= doc who specialises in illness of the guts).
Keep at them.  It can take a long time to get the end result. 
As Becky said, it is so much easier to do sleep training when the LO is out of pain. 

Do try some of the 'home remedies' listed in this thread while you work with the docs on medications.
8) I BFd a combined total of 4y, 1m & 1d

Offline kayasmama

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Re: back again for help 2
« Reply #21 on: May 15, 2009, 14:52:20 pm »
I just wanted to come back and send many many thanks for all the help I received on this board. You have been amazing. I am back at work now and don't have as much time to post, but things are going really well. Before daycare started, I started increasing her A time to 1:40. She started taking 1 1/2-2 hr naps with just a little patting at the 45 minute mark. Now she naps completely on her own and my days are mine again!!! Thank you, thank you. Her reflux is also getting under control, which has helped too. Unfortunately, daycare doesn't follow her routine well even though it's posted, but she doesn't do too badly there. There are days where she is up for 2 or more hours before a nap, so obviously it results in a short nap. I am hoping that they will see soon (with lots of reminders) that if they put her down at the right time, she naps well. Oh well, there is only so much I can do. At least on her days at home, she is going great!
I am so grateful for all the support and advice. I couldn't have gotten through the last 2 months without it!!! We still have an EW issue, but maybe I have to go to the NW or EASY board for that?  Not sure which one that goes under.
Thanks again....

Offline becky1969

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Re: back again for help 2
« Reply #22 on: May 15, 2009, 16:25:37 pm »
Glad things are going better!!! Yay!

Yes, try the NW board for the EWs and see how they help you.
Owen, 12/28/05 7 lb 2 oz

Enjoying the toddler years!