Hi there. My DD takes a good nap each day (albeit any illnesses!) of 1.5-2.5 hours. The problem is she fights the nap. She goes to bed at night no issues - but does not want to take her nap! She is plenty tired, and falls asleep in 5 minutes once I leave the room, but the tantrum getting her there is the issue.
I have tried a hundred different wind down routines, and once we get one to work, it stops working after a few days. I cannot get her to sit still. I have tried holding her, rocking her, TV, books, being in her room with just the night light on - nope. She wants out of my grip and wants to play. She even says - play, play.... At night time she says nighty, night. She says nooooo at nap time.
Today I lost it, yelled at her and threw her book on the floor - which only made matters worse, and now I feel like a monster. I do not want to go through this everyday - or maybe I just have to? Somehow without losing it! And I have family coming into town for 5 days, so I've got to deal with that each day for her nap. HELP!
This has been going on for a few months, and like I said she naps well, it is just getting her there. Anyone have any ideas?