My DS has always been an early riser 5-630, and for the first 7-8 mos or so was a 3x/day 45 min napper
. We've always maintained the exact same bedtime routine since about 4-5mos and bedtime is never an issue (715pm varies by about 15min either way). Since we dropped the 3rd nap he naps longer, usually 1.5hrs in the am and either a 45 or 1.5 in the afternoon. At first he was also sleeping longer in the am, 630 04 so. Now we're back to waking at 5-530, and no longer content to stay in crib. He used to lay there and talk but now stands at the side of the crib yelling. Sometimes, like this am, I went in and laid him back down at 515 with his paci and blanki and he slept until 625. RARE. Usually it's a fight or we just get him up. We've tried taking him to bed, but he doesn't want to sleep anymore, just play. So my question is two fold: Is there a solution for the EW's? Or is it time for the 2/1 nap switch? He's 13mos and only has NW's when sick or teething. THanks so much!