Hi, today is the 4th day since I did PU/PD, weaning my 5.5mo baby boy from nursing to sleep association. He has done so great since yesterday. Previously he would screamed & cried by the time I put him on his bed, but now he would suck his thumb, play with his blanket and went to sleep calmly. Suprisingly he even sleep soundly on his carseat.Thanks to everybody here who has been so supportive during all my tough time. I still have some questions regarding his sleep :
My nap time ritual is wash hand, change diaper, read 5 stories, swaddle, draw the curtain and pat til he drop off.
a. When should I wean the pat & my presence ? Im quite worry it would build a separation anxiety, but on the same time Im too chicken to leave him so soon even though he looks calm.
b. I read from the PU/PD thread, for boy, there is going to be any regression on the 5th day. Is it right ? When would I expect the regression to come so that I could be prepared ?
Thanks !