Hi there,
Just looking for a bit of advice, my 14m old dd is great at going to sleep at night, i simply tuck her into bed, giver her her teddy and walk out. She either just goes straight to sleep, or babbles for a few minutes then goes to sleep.
Nap times are another story completely

she is only having 1 nap now, and the transition went well - it's been a couple of months now. So she is definately ready for sleep. but when i put her in bed, she just cries/ screams and rolls over (she's a tummy sleeper) and i have to keep rolling her back over and sometimes kinda pinning her down until she calms down and then slowly take my hand off her as she's falling asleep. I just want to be able to put her down and for her to fall asleep on her own like she does at night

I hate that its a screaming match every nap time.
I tried doing pu/pd but it turned into a disaster when she got so hysterical that it took me 30 minutes to calm her down and then she fell asleep from sheer exhaustion!
She's VERY spitited and I'm not sure what I should be doing, but I do know I want to try and nip this in the bud now before it gets worse.
I'd appreciate any advice