I'd like to have some input here as to WHERE to begin. I've had my 4 month old son Jesse on EASY (off and on) since he was 4 weeks. He is what I believe to be a textbook/touchy baby. Great temperament, but needs to be eased into things. At three months we weaned him off the paci and he's been sucking his thumb to sleep since that point. He's swaddled with one arm out. He is breast fed and bottle fed an EBM/formula combination. I've got a massive letdown when bf and Jesse takes short bf, but still lasts a good 3 hours+. He was on a PERFECT three hour EASY up until a week ago when we saw a HUGE jump in nw and naps became shorter and shorter. He was also starting to take larger feeds and go longer in between. I know we're needing to transition him to the 4 hour EASY, but we're struggling with the A times and the nw. Here is what the last documented day looked like:
Tues, May 5
awake @ 6:10 babbling
6:30 pooped went in changed and tried to get him back to sleep- no success
E 7:10 10 minutes
S 8-9 am left him in bed to mantra cry for 50 minutes finally got him up @9:50
E 10:20 6 oz.
S 10:55-12:35 (cried at the 50 minute mark, but settled himself)
E1:45 6 3/4 oz.
S 2:45-4
E 5:05 5 1/2 oz.
S 5:50-6:20 ( this catnap is not normally so late, but he didn't settle very quickly until about 20 minutes after being put down, so he obviously wasn't tired enough. He falls asleep easily within 10 minutes)
E 7:10- 4oz. (just a top up:))
S 8pm (he appeared to settle around 7:30, but woke and wiggled for about 30 minutes) This was a late bedtime, but the catnap seemed to mess this up.
A few other notes:
Jesse was normally waking about two times a night. One for feeding (around 4 or 4:30) and the other because of a bm (power poop around 3 am or sometimes 6am) We've noticed the last couple of nights that he's having waking at 1, 2 or 3, 5ish and having a bm around 6 and not being able to settle. The 1 and 5 am wakings he usually settles on his own, but the 2 or 3 am nw he cries until we go in and turn him on his side and just reassure him. He STTN two nights in a row earlier last week, but things have gone terribly wrong since then. His naps have shortened even more but I think that's because his 1st nap has been shortened to about just over an hour and he's having a hard time with a longer a, getting OT for the rest of the day. I'm hoping that there's something I'm missing here, because Jesse was a consistently good napper and eater until just a week ago when things began unraveling. Any insight would be appreciated. I've got a toddler at home that I've had great success with BW methods and am desperately hoping to iron out Jesse's routine!!