Hi Ladies, need some advice.... My gracie was 3 months on May 4th, wonderful angel baby. sleeps great, barly cries and has always eaten well. She has been eating 6oz at the following times(give or take the time) 7, 11, 3, 7, 11 in the last few days, she has gone down to anywhere from 1-3 oz per feeding. she is still sleeping well, and is not fussy. She has no fever. I did try to feel her gums and it seems a bit rough, but I can't get her to let me look very closly. Also she has had a in the last few days one bowel movement a day like she always does but they were explosive. Could this be teehing or is she just going through a faze? I thought I might call the Dr. on Monday to see what he thinks, but she doesn't seem sick.... any advice would be great.
Thanks Ladies