Author Topic: 13 week old preemie decrease in formula and not sleeping through the night  (Read 851 times)

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Offline ms_caldwell

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I have a 13 week old preemie who is up until recently was taking 3.5 ounces every 3-3.5 hours (formula). Within the past several weeks, she hasn't been taking nearly as much during the majority of her feedings. Sometimes only taking 2.5 ounces. Her schedule is 7, 10, 1, 4, 7:30, 10:30/11 and then a feeding at 3am.

She is not sleeping through the night and I'm not sure if that is because her adjusted age is still only 6 weeks old and she isn't ready yet.

I'm concerned she isn't getting enough. Am I doing something with the feedings that might be causing her to NOT sleep through the night? Should I change to a 4 hour schedule even if she isn't sleeping through the night to see if she will take more formula? Any help would be appreciated!!! Thank you!

Offline anna*

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Honestly, it sounds like she's doing great. For BW stuff we'd always take her adjusted age and to have just one night feed after the dreamfeed is fantastic. I'd stick with the 3 hour routine for now. She will sleep through in time - I think the babies who are sleeping through by 3 months are the exception rather than the rule: mine was 7 months!

Offline * Paula *

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I agree with Anna, sounds like your lo is doing fantastically.

If your lo has started to decrease the amount of formula she is taking there are a couple of things you can try:-

-  Going up a teat size as your lo could be getting bored with the flow.
-  Increasing the amount of time between feeds to say 3.25  hours or 3.5 hours to help encourage your lo to take a bigger feed.

Does your lo suffer from reflux at all?
Thomas Michael - 12 July 2005
Abigail Louise - 23 October 2007

Offline ms_caldwell

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No, no reflux. I have thought about going up a nipple size but was worried that she would end up spitting it all up since it might come out too fast. I will give it a try though and see what happens.

Offline * Paula *

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The larger nipple is definitely worth a try.  My DD Was on the fastest flow teat by the time she was 12 weeks.
Thomas Michael - 12 July 2005
Abigail Louise - 23 October 2007