Author Topic: How long does it take to break the 45 min nap habit?  (Read 2261 times)

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Re: How long does it take to break the 45 min nap habit?
« Reply #15 on: May 19, 2009, 16:19:21 pm »
it does- two naps today at 2 hours- had to wake him up - bless....   I think what has been key is increasing the A time - I do think he was UT.

Fingers crossed we keep moving forwards slowly.
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Offline TrulysMom

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Re: How long does it take to break the 45 min nap habit?
« Reply #16 on: May 19, 2009, 17:58:45 pm »
Well, I am on day 8 and I am not sure if I am making any progress or not. 

I don't have too much trouble extending her usually works at least 2 out of 3 naps a day, but I don't know that it is getting any easier at this point.  I still have to stay in her room with her for 30 minutes or so and if I am not there she will wake up at the 45 min mark.  It is definitely easier earlier in the day and as the day goes on our schedule sort of falls apart.  My hardest time is around dinner time and I can't be in her room to extend her nap and she wakes up early.  From then on it is a struggle to get her to sleep at all which is strange to me as I usually have no trouble getting her to nap earlier in the day.  I usually just give her a kiss and put her down and walk out...5 minutes later she's asleep.  I know that she can not stay up as long after a short nap, but she just won't go down at all.  Once in a while she will fall asleep in her swing in the evening or if my husband is holding her.  I am think my dh might be the problem as he likes to spend time with her in the evening and "doesn't mind" walking her too sleep.  I guess she has figured out if daddy's home, she does not have to fall asleep on her own!

Here is my schedule from yesterday:

5:15 E
5.45 S (she goes right back to sleep after a full feeding)
8:00 E
9:10 S
11:00 E
12:20 S
2:00 E
3:15 S
woke up early at 4:00
4:30 E
6:30 S (dh holding her)
awake again at 7
7:30 E
9:00 S (finally, dh walking her)
10:30 E  (she wakes up to nurse, but does not take a full feeding)

As you can see, she gets me up early and keeps me up late.  I don't so much mind one or the other but both is wearing me out...not to mention
standing crib side for an hour and a half a day extending naps...

I could use some more success stories for encouragement if anybody has some!

Offline 3littleones

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Re: How long does it take to break the 45 min nap habit?
« Reply #17 on: May 20, 2009, 15:13:16 pm »
hi there! Mine is 12 wks old and we continue to battle this as my two older ones are also 6 & 4. Although we don't homeschool we do have to get out for pickups from kindergarten and pschool which messes us up with consistent naps. And evenings are very difficult. I have had success but when they start out with a short nap, it does seem to make the day spiral down.

Now my success has been with sneaking in before the startle with my hand on her bottom. Also, one day I could not get in there in time and she cried then settled about 3 times. then no more. After that I had about a week of no 45 minute naps!! I thought we were cured, but regressed with days when we have to be away from home and she gets too OT.  I am still tweaking our A time, the advice I've received has been to extend by 10-15 minutes which worked amazingly the first day I did it. 

She never looks tired or yawns until she's in her dark room, swaddled and ready for wind down, then she can seem OT.  Our first nap usually goes well, it's the subsequent ones we have to work on.
And if the afternoon goes bad, it takes multiple times for her to stay down at night, sometimes waking until 10 p.m. until she's finally out.

But my point is, you've been teaching the skill, maybe she will mantra cry at 45 and put herself down with the skills you've been teaching her? It's scary not to go in, bc you don't want to risk a full wake up, but it did work for us. 

Good luck...I'm also going to find the thread about A times for each age...I think that's what I need to look at.

Offline TrulysMom

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Re: How long does it take to break the 45 min nap habit?
« Reply #18 on: May 20, 2009, 19:35:37 pm »
I am on day 9 and went in to extend Truly's nap and got in there too late...she was already awake.  She smiled at me, rolled over, and was able to go back to
sleep on her own!  Hopefully she will continue to progress. ;D

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Re: How long does it take to break the 45 min nap habit?
« Reply #19 on: May 20, 2009, 21:08:55 pm »
wonderful news...  Glad to hear you are making progress
second timer