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Offline *Becky*

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routine check
« on: May 18, 2009, 10:52:09 am »
After a week of success with EASY my LO has started short napping again and I wondered if someone would mind checking our EASY. I would really like to know what people think of our A times. He is 6 and a half months and was touchy but is more spirited/textbook these days.
This is a good day last Friday.
Awake 5.45am - up at 6.30am (EW's have become regular! He is usually happy to be in his cot until I get him)
E- 6.45am - solids at 7.45am
S - 8.05 - 9.25am
E - 10.30am - solids at 11.30am
S - 12.15 - 1.30pm
E - 2pm
S - 4.45-5.15pm
E - 5.15pm - solids
S - 6.35pm after milk.

Not particularly long naps but so so much better than the past 6 months!!!

After some advice on here we extended his A time to 2 and a half hours for the first A time and this gave us the same 1.10-1.20 nap. This is today which is not going too well and is similar to Sat.

Awake at 6am
E - 7am (solids at 8am)
S - 8.25 - 9.05am

E - 10.30
Then I put him down at 11.20 and he is asleep now.

I am abit confused about A times as I think he is on the low side for a baby of his age but not sure what it shoud be. Do you think I should stick with 2.5 hours for the first A time or try to extend it? If I get a good nap i.e. 1.10 or more what should the A time be then?

As you can see his A time at the end of the day is v short but he gets so tired and I feel for him! Rubs his eyes and fusses so tend to put him to bed. The two times I have put him down at 6pm rather than 6.30/7pm I have found he has slept later in the morning - what does this mean?

He has a df at 9.30pm - we are slowly weaning this and he is down to 4oz. He then STTN until the morning.

Any advice would be very appreciated. Sorry it is so long!

Becky x

Henry James and Martha Rose - my spirited pair!

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Re: routine check
« Reply #1 on: May 18, 2009, 10:55:16 am »
ok - just done another 35 min sleep! Help!!!

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Offline *Becky*

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Re: routine check
« Reply #2 on: May 18, 2009, 18:54:22 pm »

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Offline charmie

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Re: routine check
« Reply #3 on: May 18, 2009, 19:16:43 pm »
Seems like your lo is a bit tired  :-\  Is he giving you tired cues earlier than the 2.5hrs?


Offline *Becky*

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Re: routine check
« Reply #4 on: May 18, 2009, 19:39:02 pm »
He has only just started giving tired cues as for months it was a real guessing game but yes he does but I am usually on the wind down by then. I feel quite confused at the moment as it seemed that he was UT so we have tried to slowly stretch A times. Hmmm- not sure what to do???

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Offline charmie

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Re: routine check
« Reply #5 on: May 18, 2009, 19:48:10 pm »
Do you think he's teething or coming down with a cold or something?  Their a times may drop in these circumstances.

I would try to follow his cues for a while.  If he gives you short naps (less than 45mins), go for a shorter a time.  If you think he may be teething, try medicating him 15/20mins before nap and see if it helps. 

Let me know how it's going.


Offline *Becky*

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Re: routine check
« Reply #6 on: May 19, 2009, 06:23:51 am »
Thanks Charmie - yes I do think he is teething but symptoms been going on for so long and still no tooth! Will keep you posted. Last night after falling asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow he slept for 12 hours absolutely fine so don't think he is OT.
Many thanks
Becky x

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Re: routine check
« Reply #7 on: May 20, 2009, 18:50:56 pm »
ok- desparate for help now!
Today has been rubbish although yesterday was great - if I post both days maybe someone can see something that stands out.
Tues - good day!
Awake at 6.30am - in bed talking
E - 7am- solids 1 hour later
S - 8.45-10.05am

E - 10.30am - solids at 12pm
S - 12.35pm - cried a bit and needed settling from me but fell asleep at 12.50am - 1.25 and then fell back to sleep until 2.05pm (never done this before!!!)

E - 2.05pm
S - 4.35-5pm

Solids at 5pm
Milk at bedtime - asleep by 6.35pm

Awake at 6.20am
E - 7am - solids at 8am
S - 8.40-9.15am ???

E - 10.30am
S - coming back from being out in the car so slept for 20 mins but woke up when we got back.

Solids at 11.45am
S - 12.45 - 1.15pm (up to bed at 12.30pm but talked/cried for ages)

He was in a bad probably tired mood so took him in the car from 2-3pm

E - 3pm
S - 4.45-5.20pm

E - 5.20pm solids
Bedtime at 6.30pm - asleep by 6.35pm

Please help! Good sleeps are 1.10-1.20 max which I am fine with but these 35 min naps throw the day into a nightmare! I ahve had advice to extend the first nap which I was doing and we had a day of 2.5 A time after waking up which got a 1.10 nap but then 3 hours A time was too much. I could really do with some advice as to whether we need to extend or decrease or even what I should be aiming for as really a bit stuck at the mo and he is a touchy bub (or was) so cannot handle this.

Becky x

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Re: routine check
« Reply #8 on: May 21, 2009, 11:51:13 am »
sorry to hassle but could someone have a look at this for me!!! Thanks so much.
Becky x

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Offline charmie

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Re: routine check
« Reply #9 on: May 21, 2009, 12:16:26 pm »
How old is he?

Did you take him out of bed at the same time on both mornings?


Offline *Becky*

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Re: routine check
« Reply #10 on: May 21, 2009, 18:14:44 pm »
Thanks charmie - he will be 7 months next week and yes I did take him out of bed at thr same time although normally that varies. This is today - a better day...
I heard him at 5.45am but then quiet until 6am. He started shouting quite quickly so DH went in to see and he was on his front! Just started rolling over but not back!
E - 6.30am - solids at 7.30am
S - 8.10 - 9.30am (was going to keep up until around 8.20-8.30am but he yawned so quicky did wind down and he was in bed and asleep no fuss.

E - 10.30am
Then went swimming so solids at 12.30pm. In bed at 12.45 and fell asleep at 1.10 after chatting.
Awake at 2.20pm

E - 2.30pm
S - 4.35-5pm

E - solids at 5pm
S - milk at 6.15pm - asleep by 6.25pm.

So...a better day but not much clearer as to way to go now as bit confused really...

Thanks for the help.

becky x

ps - phasing out df slowly - down to 3oz at 9pm tonight. Has been STTN for about 8 weeks.
If at any point he wakes in the night now I am phasing this out should I try to settle with water? I am guessing so and then if I have to feed I will give a small one and then add oz the next day. Do you agree?

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Offline *Becky*

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Re: routine check
« Reply #11 on: May 21, 2009, 19:25:46 pm »
I also meant to say that he has started rolling over and bot being able to get back which I think is just about to mess stuff up more as he had to be turned over this morning and already once since he has gone to sleep. He is also learning to sit so there is a lot of stuff going on!!!

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Offline charmie

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Re: routine check
« Reply #12 on: May 21, 2009, 19:41:45 pm »
I am thinking that his a times are too short for his age.  I think he would do better naps if he had age appropriate a times.  I know BW tells you to follow your baby's cues, and you did great to put him down when he showed tired signs even though you were planning a longer a time.  However, sometimes lo's may be bored, or else need more stimulation, or else just think they're tired because they're used to be tired at a certain time.  So here's what I would do... aim for 3hrs a time (yes a big jump at once).  When he shows tired signs try to distract him.  Change activity for him.  Don't be afraid to stimulate him and then do a good wind down.  Do not let him sleep longer than 2hrs at one go.

Now if you try this with the 1st a time and you get a short OT nap then it's not working so don't continue.  But I think he should be fine.

The rolling over will throw a spanner in your works for a while.  Try to show him how to roll back during a times.  It's only a temporary thing.  When it happens at night or during naps just go in, turn him back and go back out.  very business like.

As for the df you are doing great.


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Re: routine check
« Reply #13 on: May 22, 2009, 08:03:10 am »
Thanks Charmie. I have always known his a times are short for his age but he is such a fussy baby! I try to change the scene etc but unless he is being carried he just fusses constantly. Anyway - I did not see this and he has just gone for his first nap after 2.20 A time so tomorrow I will def try for 3 hours A time although it scares me!!!!!
The one good thing we have are the nights at the moment so I don't want to mess them up...will keep you posted.
Becky x

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Re: routine check
« Reply #14 on: May 25, 2009, 19:52:12 pm »
Just wanted to say thanks to Charmie! I followed your advice and kept DS up for 2.45 for the first nap and 2.50 for the second and got 2 x 1.5 hour naps which has not happened..maybe ever! I think we could have possibly gone for 3 hours for the second but we got a good nap anyway so that is great. I think I have been putting him to bed at the first tired sign which would ahve worked when he was 0-3 months and v v touchy but def more spirited these days and I have read that these bubs have similar bored/tired signs. So..whole lot better. I am still really struggling with the end of the day A time. I do not seem to be able to keep DS up for more than 1.5 after his catnap. He gets SO ratty and tired. All he wants to do is have a bath and go to bed, it is a struggle to get 1.5 out of him. Although up to now he is sleeping well at night and so I am not too bothered I am sure this will end up causing problems so wondering if anyone has any advice they can give. Even today after 2 good naps he was clingy and fussy so I just put him to bed. Very tricky. Thanks for any help. Becky.

Henry James and Martha Rose - my spirited pair!