ok- desparate for help now!
Today has been rubbish although yesterday was great - if I post both days maybe someone can see something that stands out.
Tues - good day!
Awake at 6.30am - in bed talking
E - 7am- solids 1 hour later
S - 8.45-10.05am
E - 10.30am - solids at 12pm
S - 12.35pm - cried a bit and needed settling from me but fell asleep at 12.50am - 1.25 and then fell back to sleep until 2.05pm (never done this before!!!)
E - 2.05pm
S - 4.35-5pm
Solids at 5pm
Milk at bedtime - asleep by 6.35pm
Awake at 6.20am
E - 7am - solids at 8am
S - 8.40-9.15am

E - 10.30am
S - coming back from being out in the car so slept for 20 mins but woke up when we got back.
Solids at 11.45am
S - 12.45 - 1.15pm (up to bed at 12.30pm but talked/cried for ages)
He was in a bad probably tired mood so took him in the car from 2-3pm
E - 3pm
S - 4.45-5.20pm
E - 5.20pm solids
Bedtime at 6.30pm - asleep by 6.35pm
Please help! Good sleeps are 1.10-1.20 max which I am fine with but these 35 min naps throw the day into a nightmare! I ahve had advice to extend the first nap which I was doing and we had a day of 2.5 A time after waking up which got a 1.10 nap but then 3 hours A time was too much. I could really do with some advice as to whether we need to extend or decrease or even what I should be aiming for as really a bit stuck at the mo and he is a touchy bub (or was) so cannot handle this.
Becky x