Thanks for asking Charmie - I was just about to post. I really appreciate your help.
Ok so DS has been waking earlier and earlier the last week and today it was 5.10am! although he did resettle until 5.45am. I tried to settle him again as I have a thing that I will not get him up before 6am but he cried and so by about 5.55am we got up. He was very irritable. Please could you look at yesterday and see if you can see something that might help.
Awake at 5.55am
E - 6.15am - solids at 7.15am
S - 8.45am - 10am
E - 10.30am- lunch at 12pm
S - 1 - 2pm
E - 2.30pm
S - 4.30-5pm
Solids at 5pm bed at 6.30 after milk.
Woke 5.10am today.
I swing between thinking he is OT, UT or just bored! Strangely I am finding he is in a better mood in the afternoons at the moment.
I need a plan as ideally I would like a 6.30am/7am start to the day. I cannot seem to get him to bed any later than 6.30pm and I do not really want to try as he is tired by then and fussy.
Today I put him down at 8.15am as I was sure he was tired and he went straight to sleep but I am sure an hour or an hour 15 is all we will get.
He is generally doing about 2.5 hours in total day naps and around 11.5 night sleep (which is great!)
becky x