Karen - that is crazy about the coincidence with the DF
I am going to keep that milk intolerance in the back of my mind because I did give Lyle soy formula because 2 of his cousins had a reaction to regular formula when they were babies. I just didn't even want to go through all of that. He loves almond milk, but I buy the fat free stuff for myself so I don't give him too much of that. Maybe I will experiment with giving him more of that then cows milk. It is very much a possibility.
I think this trick as worked, Karen, it's funny that we've both decided on the same thing now, no nap before 12
I think that is the key. One of the reasons that I decided to move it up is I noticed Heath's nap time has moved up and so I figured Lyle was ready. They have always been really close in the time they go down in the am.
So thanks for sharing that Jean.
So I was wondering what time you all are putting your LO down to bed now a days.
Oh, I forgot to mention that we got a 6:30 wake up with a 3 hour nap yesterday, so I think the A time is key once again, I just didn't realize that it needed to be increased.
He was our "routine" yesterday
Wake 6:40ish
Nap 12-3 (woke at 2:30 but fell back asleep before I could get in there, oops, didn't have the heart to wake him)
In bed 7:50
Asleep 8:18
Awake 6:26
I am very pleased with that.
Eloys, I think you are absolutely right. And thanks for reminding me. Sometimes I forget that the spiritedness plays a roll in all of this. I think that was the thing I enjoyed most about reading RYSC. Seeing that some just do not fit into routines the way we would like, and I just have to except that. Lyle also has a night waking about once a week (where I have to go in) and no matter what he seems to have an EW about once a week. I can handle that. It's just when he throws the other EW or long NWs in there that freak me out
Thanks for all your help ladies in being a sounding board and working through all this.
Do you mind posting your current "routines" Karen I got yours