Good tip Karen, only there isn't one near me I don't think - will have a hunt around. Let me know what you guys need and will keep an eye out for them.
And would love to join you on a Bc type chat - I'm not around often enough to keep up with you guys on here except to say we have the same madness - I think some of it here is the heat - I know we're very British about extremes of temps, but try sleeping at night with 27/28 degs temps and no AC! H is in just a nappy with a fan on him all night.
But we have had consistent 5.45am wake-ups all this week, then we randomly get a 7am thrown in. Naps were fairly consistent at 12.30 for 2 hours (apart from nap refusal every weekend - he just sleeps in the car if we go anywhere now).
But yesterday he was dropped off at the childminders at 8, had a tantrum and meltdown, and she asked him to show her what he wanted - so he took her to the stairs, up the stairs and into the bedroom and rattled the cot - went to bed at 8.15, slept 2 hours
THEN went back to bed again at 2.30 til 3.30.
TBH I've given up trying to figure it out
Let me know where to find you on FB - can we chat on there without all our other friends seeing all the posts?