Author Topic: Time for a set nap time? OR Limit Daytime Sleep? Set Bedtime?  (Read 21010 times)

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Re: Time for a set nap time? OR Limit Daytime Sleep? Set Bedtime?
« Reply #90 on: June 15, 2009, 19:30:42 pm »
Hi ladies - missed you all!

Sherry - how do you create a routine out of that madness! What a chimp Lyle ::) ;D

Jean - that sounds better too - are you happy with 8.30 bedtime? We find it hard when its that late as we don't get an evening to ourselves.

So we've settled a bit too - no more 5 anythings thank goodness. We're back to anything between 6.15 to 7.30 - so still some madness but later madness I can handle!

Hi Sarah - I've stopped doing any wi/wo - our newest thing we've realised is he doesn't want the door shut. If I leave and shut the door, he goes mad, but if I leave it open and walk around upstairs tidying up just sushing every now and then if he's fussing, he'll put himself off to sleep. Although there are nights when I've gone downstairs thinking he's asleep then when DP and I are having dinner we hear all sorts of wierdness coming down the monitor - we wish we had a video monitor then! Sherry you must have such fun spying on Lyle!


Offline sherry lynn

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Re: Time for a set nap time? OR Limit Daytime Sleep? Set Bedtime?
« Reply #91 on: June 15, 2009, 21:42:20 pm »
H- Glad to hear things have settled down. I think I've given up on EVER having a true routine.

However, I do need to do something. I just don't know what. I'm back to the same questions.

Make a set nap time? Wake up time (as much as I can) and bedtime? To try to create a routine. I haven't tried that in a long time.

Today was 4:56. I thought he went back to sleep (I did at any rate) But I woke up at 6:36 and he was just playing around his crib. By his mood later it became obvious that he did not in fact go back to sleep. Sigh.

I have no idea why we got what we did today, other than maybe he was OT because he's nap was not long at all yesterday and I still put him to bed at 7:45 because the nap was later 1:00-2:20/2:30.

DS#1: 30 Oct 2007
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Re: Time for a set nap time? OR Limit Daytime Sleep? Set Bedtime?
« Reply #92 on: June 15, 2009, 22:43:05 pm »
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Make a set nap time? Wake up time (as much as I can) and bedtime? To try to create a routine. I haven't tried that in a long time.

You could give it a shot and always revert back, I think.  Personally, we use a wake by time (wake him by 6:50) and bedtime (now 8:30) more than set nap length, now.  He wakes on his own from nap, but we have had to adjust bedtime.  Nap is more of the flex-time, here, if he needs to catch up.  Catch-up days are because the day before was short on nap or night (significantly) for some reason.  Early bedtime in the rarest of cases, as you know.

That is what we are doing as of late.  It seems to work for Heath.  I will preface things with the fact we are still getting some scream awakes, but I think they are med related, as his reflux isn't sorted out, yet.

Jean :-) 


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Re: Time for a set nap time? OR Limit Daytime Sleep? Set Bedtime?
« Reply #93 on: June 15, 2009, 22:45:08 pm »
Any chance of something medical, as he has always been a tough sleeper?  Just throwing it out there; I think you would be the best judge.  :-) 

Offline ~Karen~

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Re: Time for a set nap time? OR Limit Daytime Sleep? Set Bedtime?
« Reply #94 on: June 15, 2009, 23:28:51 pm »
Might be worth checking out Sherry.  A friend of mine from school has a 3 year old ds and he's always been an awful sleeper.  She finally took him to the doctor and it turns out he has a milk allergy.  Took him off cow's milk and problem solved!


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Re: Time for a set nap time? OR Limit Daytime Sleep? Set Bedtime?
« Reply #95 on: June 16, 2009, 01:29:13 am »
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She finally took him to the doctor and it turns out he has a milk allergy.

Something like that is kind of ticking in the back of my mind, too.  May not be at all, and likely you have already had that chat with the pedi.  I should add that the post you asked me to check on is turning out to be that, it seems.  So, that is what has me thinking that maybe there is something else behind it?

Hugs as always!

Offline babymunkey

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Re: Time for a set nap time? OR Limit Daytime Sleep? Set Bedtime?
« Reply #96 on: June 16, 2009, 07:48:09 am »
Sherry - have you tried set A times recently? Would that help you get back on track adn then you could move back to set nap times? I haven't kept up with what you've tried.

The other ladies could be right about something else medical - any more teeth on the way or is that too obvious?


Offline EloysH

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Re: Time for a set nap time? OR Limit Daytime Sleep? Set Bedtime?
« Reply #97 on: June 17, 2009, 02:49:13 am »
Sherry on the routine,  a set bedtime works well for us, no matter what the wake-up time.  You know that they are only going to sleep so many hours at night right?   as for nap time I vary it within half hour these days.  That seems to be working.  I never wake him from nap or in the morning.  I let him sleep as long as he wants and he ALWAYS goes down at night.        In a way I have forced his body to use the nap to catch up sleep or have less sleep, he won't sleep in. His nap length has varied alot, these few weeks its been close t two hours.

6- 7am usually 6:30 wake
12pm nap  - 2 hours
7:30pm bed

Offline sherry lynn

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Re: Time for a set nap time? OR Limit Daytime Sleep? Set Bedtime?
« Reply #98 on: June 17, 2009, 17:52:37 pm »
You guys really got me thinking this morning. I had to go take a shower and then come back to ponder the questions.

I'll start with the easy one :)

H - we do do set A times. That's pretty much what we've always done because that is what Lyle responds best to. Every time I try to push him too hard it blows up in my face. But having said that..... with these super EW things seem to have changed a little bit and my little boy is growing up and being better able to handle the pushes.

The morning that he woke up at 4:20am He didn't go down until 11:30. I put him in bed but he was so OT it ended up in a very gentle Wi/Wo sort of thing. I didn't push too hard. And he eventually went to sleep. Now.... the old Lyle would have woken up at 1.5 hours on the dot screaming. But he didn't need me once that whole nap. That was very very encouraging.

The next morning he slept in until 8:15. So that got me thinking...... I wonder if he needs an increase in A time in the morning.
But I didn't go with it. He was a wreck by 1:00 that afternoon. I think because we were at a neighbors who has kids and because he's soooo used to go to bed around 11 now.
That next morning he was up at 5 something.

So the day before yesterday he was up at 4:56 again.... we did a long A time. He was very tired by 10:45 so put him in bed, but still that was almost 6 hours A time. He took a good nap and then slept until 7:30 yesterday morning.....

so today I wasn't 100% sure when he woke. I know he woke a little before 6, but I was pretty sure he went back to sleep. So I went with when I heard him next at 6:40. So I decided to try to stretch him today. And he seemed ok.

He was asleep at 12:00. However, it almost blew up in my face. He has woken up a few times, but has gone back to sleep. Phew......

So we'll see how my new theory goes. What throws me off is he goes RIGHT to sleep after 5 hours A time. So I didn't get that maybe he needed a push.

Ok, so about the medical issues.

I can't lie, that has crossed my mind. Unfortunately it didn't cross my mind when I think it might have really been an issue.
Lyle only showed a few of the signs that he might have had reflux. He did used to spit up, but I read in BW that they spit up if he eats too much, so I always thought it was that. I didn't know until I meet Jean on here that he might have been eating so much to comfort himself. Like H and Hunter he is a big boy and he always has been. He's always been a huge eater. And when he was little he would wake to feed every 2 hours and then feed for 40 min of that. So he was really waking me every 1h20m. Then when I started BWing things go so much better, so I just pretty much accepted things for awhile. And ever since then things have gotten progressively better. So I've always written it off to a need in a routine change.

There are only a few times where he "screams" awake. So if it was medical don't you think he would do that more?

Things are so much better thanks to BW and all the lovely ladies on here that I don't classify Lyle as a "bad" sleeper anymore. He goes to bed independently and STTN most nights. I know there are plenty of babies/toddlers out there who don't do that. (When there mom's are being honest about it) He just seems to need less sleep then some. And I'm still trying to figure out how much that is.

I think Lyle is like H in that it really does span over a few days, but man.... how do you keep track of that  :P

Oh.... and he is still teething, so there is still that to contend with. But.... 2 molars are a lot of the way out, and some of the incisors are poking through. So I do see a light at the end of this tunnel.

Sorry this is so long.

Jean - is DH doing better?
DS#1: 30 Oct 2007
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Re: Time for a set nap time? OR Limit Daytime Sleep? Set Bedtime?
« Reply #99 on: June 17, 2009, 18:54:33 pm »
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He was asleep at 12:00. However, it almost blew up in my face. He has woken up a few times, but has gone back to sleep. Phew......

Just a thought, as Heath would often wake and we would have to give lovey to get him back to sleep, once he was attached to his lovey.  I was not sure if then if it was discomfort, but he could go back to sleep on his own with lovey.  (I suspect discomfort now, as we tried the new med and they have died down a lot- not gone, but much less.)  Remember that Lyle does have a way to soothe his throat (still using paci,right?).  We took Heath's away (I absolutely regret ever doing it now *knowing* or thinking he was refluxing), and we left him with no other way to soothe.  Just a thought on that. 

And of course, teething throws us over the edge with Heath's reflux and for lots of kids, too.  So, it is hard to figure out anything if he is getting teeth.  You may remember, I don't even try to work on routines for the most part, if teeth are coming.  I have to ride it out, otherwise I may be making decision on false info.  lol

Perhaps try some nonmed adjustments.  It really couldn't hurt to try elevating his crib and feeding with enough time prior to his sleeping. 

I just wonder if the unpredictability despite your long-term efforts may indicate that something else is happening, thats all.  It is so hard to figure out some times.  I give you so much credit and MANY, MANY hugs. 

Perhaps a chat with the pedi is a good start.  If he/she is like ours, you may get the brush off.  If you wonder at all, I think follow your instincts.

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I had to go take a shower and then come back to ponder the questions
Hee hee, I do this, too.  :-)   :-*


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Re: Time for a set nap time? OR Limit Daytime Sleep? Set Bedtime?
« Reply #100 on: June 17, 2009, 19:08:01 pm »
Forgot to answer your question about dh.  He is doing better, since he got his hard cast, yesterday.  I still have lots of extra fun jobs around the house.  Dr. said 6 weeks with his cast and another month of physical therapy after.  Sheesh.  All that for playing on a co-ed work softball team.  He says he is hanging up his dream of being a softball star, ha ha. 


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Re: Time for a set nap time? OR Limit Daytime Sleep? Set Bedtime?
« Reply #101 on: June 18, 2009, 01:58:26 am »
Thought I would add that I'm not sure about it being reflux; like Karen mentioned there may be some intollerance/allergy.  It could be flaring up a lot by day as he is eating, and it is better at night?  The early bedtimes are continued by the naps that are often restless or short.  Then of course the ew happen.  I notice that if Heath is really tired, he is more able to sleep through discomfort.  So, perhaps that is why you get longer naps when he is more tired over several days to catch up.  If there is something medical, it may not always fit a certain pattern.  That is what makes it hard to figure out.  Of course, I really don't know, just tossing something out there, as I mentioned before.

Take care and have a good night!

Offline EloysH

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Re: Time for a set nap time? OR Limit Daytime Sleep? Set Bedtime?
« Reply #102 on: June 18, 2009, 02:18:21 am »

Just to add to the conversation on Lyles somewhat erratic wake-up times -  my best friends LO is 2.5 years old and very active spirited. He is a quiet kind of boy, but extremely active and quite impulsive. He walked at 9 months, could drop kick a ball very early too. Anyway, he has NEVER slept to a pattern. He is forever EW, sleeping in late, napping for different nap lengths, and finds it extremely hard to wind down at night time for bed.  He still wakes through the night, maybe once a week.  Of course Lyles night sleeping is very good, so what I am saying is that I think that some kids bodies don't want to be in a predictable pattern of sleep no matter how hard you try.   I know plenty of adults that are like this too  ::)

Of course medical is an issue to consider, you never know.

So J seems to have forgotten about the car.. phew!  Him being sick and teething has bene a blessing in disguise.  He's so tired that he just goes straight to sleep at nap time   ;D


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Re: Time for a set nap time? OR Limit Daytime Sleep? Set Bedtime?
« Reply #103 on: June 18, 2009, 02:59:02 am »
LOL about the sickness being a blessing.  ;-)  So glad that things have come around for J, and the car is a thing of the past.

Offline ~Karen~

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Re: Time for a set nap time? OR Limit Daytime Sleep? Set Bedtime?
« Reply #104 on: June 18, 2009, 13:31:00 pm »
Sherry - How's Lyle been getting on?  We had a good night and nap yesterday but a couple of nw's the night before.  That canine is taking forever to break through so think it was probably that.  Think it might be through now so hopefully that's the last of it for now!  I've decided to stick with set times for now and we're doing a similar schedule to Eloys.  He's been waking up around 630am, nap not before 12 no matter what time he wakes up and bedtime at 730pm no matter how long he naps for and he's usually asleep by 8pm.  At least we're not getting the stupid early wake ups doing it this way. 

Eloys - Glad he's forgotten about the car and he's better now!

I've wondered about milk allergy here as well but not really so much now but when he was younger.  It's funny how the ew started at 4 months which is just after I started giving him a dream feed of formula!  Up until that point he was doing about 13-14 hour nights  ::)