Hey everyone, it's been a while since I've been on and hope no one minds that I pop by once in a while to ask a question...
Stanley has been sleeping wonderfully for the last few weeks, and when I say wonderfully he will sleep between 12-13hrs at night and then will have a 3-4hr nap in the day (any less and he becomes over tired). This has been consistant for weeks now.... last night he went down at 5pm because he refused his nap for the first time in ages and slept through the night. I woke him at about midnight to change his diaper and found a poo. He had an awful rash so I delt with that and got him a bottle and he was down until 7am!!!
Does this speak to anyone as something to look into? My child is only up for about 8hrs a day! The last time this over sleeping happened stan was dehydrated from pyloric stenosis and my first thought is that something is wrong (he fills his diapers to the brim even waking in soaking clothes).... anyone else see cause for alarm?
We will be going to the doc on Thursday and if anyone has questions I could ask aswell as I don't want the doc to say "why are you complaining when your child is the envy of every mother???"
Or am I just being over cautious???