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Re: just can't get it right - part 3!
« Reply #315 on: June 15, 2009, 14:15:26 pm »
Martina, I feel the same way about H sleeping!  The moons have to be aligned JUST right, the temperature within 1/2 degree, and not 2 seconds early or late....and then we'll get a good nap!  :P  We went for our morning walk, a good 30 min, came home and H is happily playing on the's almost 10:15!  I still think we're going to go with a 10:30ish naptime.  So, I better get gettin' and go change a diaper and make a sippy of milk!  I've been giving a top up, or rather a split feed, since H isn't taking much in the morning and this is our longer nap of the day.  Don't know if it's "right" according to BW but makes me feel better!

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Re: just can't get it right - part 3!
« Reply #316 on: June 15, 2009, 14:17:16 pm »
((hugs)) Clare - bet your ears are still ringing!! Poor M - sounds like the toddler years are hitting her hard at the moment.

I think when it comes to OT, you have to look at the big picture and not just the last sleep time to figure out if H needs more sleep.  What's the total amount of sleep H is getting these days?  Also, I would maybe try putting him to bed earlier than you think he'd be ready despite a late afternoon nap.  I was surprised on many occasions when Tristan had a late nap and I wouldn't have thought he'd be ready for bed, but I put him down anyway and he went to sleep and slept better!  Also, remember that trying to crawl, sit and stand take A LOT of energy.  I think a huge part of my problem when T wouldn't settle at night was due to OT, and if I tried earlier it would have been better.  Now he is not OT, and he doesn't resist sleep anymore.  It gets so much better!  :)

TOTALLY agree with Martina - this was my mistake for SOOOO long. You assume they can just do their normal A - or even 15 mins more at the end of the day - as that is what 'lots of babies do'. But, especially when dealing with EWs all the time, you are actually using up so much of their energy in the mornings that come the late afternoons they really can't do anywhere near what you think they should.

I'm attempting EW reversal here today again!! I have a plan though - fingers crossed it works.

Rememeber teething will lower your A times. J has been pretty much teething since the first started coming through and his A's are still 15 mins or so lower than they were at 7.5 months. We have kind of had one after the other after the other.

If you can see a little slit then it will be SORE for the next 48 hrs until you can feel it. Once you can feel it the worst is over and it isn't too bad as it pushes through. We can share our teething woes though as J is at the same stage with his 4th - it started to ulcer yesterday and he is GRUMPY today!!

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Re: just can't get it right - part 3!
« Reply #317 on: June 15, 2009, 14:26:52 pm »
Alyssa- I totally agree with Martina- don't push them to eat- If bella wont eat her food which the last 2 weeks has been alot, I just leave little finger foods and turn my back and don't give her any attention.. obviously i make sure she doesn't stuff her mouth and choke but my not making a big issue and ignoring her makes her want it.

Also with bottles if you offer it and she only has 3.5oz then leave her 10 mins or even sit her in the crib and offer it her again- that normally works for us- again don't get mad and I know say that it's hard..but she won't starve or dehydrate she is obviously not a big fan of her milk.

Is there any other milk you can try? I got liz to change and so far it's working?  The consultant told me to relax more when i feed her as they sense your anxiety and that is true.

I also agree about A times H can do alot longer then Bella, when teething of developmental jumps your supposed to really reduce the A time. we are on anything from 3-4 hours mostly the low end.

Developementally this last month and a half has been amazing, from nothing to everything - she shouted Daddy this morning about 5 times when she woke up at 5am... ha ha glad it wasn't mummy she wanted at that time of the morning.. poor dh has got up with her all week to give me a rest from the last 10 months lol.

Don't be disheartened she is developing really well alot faster then bella so she is healthy and happy.

We had a strange night loads of night wakes before 10 as usual then slept till 5am then gave meds she went back to sleep at 6 and slept till 8am and I woke her.

 I was going to try one nap today but chickened out... although my night could never get any worse could it!!

Hi Sylvie welcome to the how not to do easy board!!! but how the hell do you do easy- as we can't get it right. ha ha


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Re: just can't get it right - part 3!
« Reply #318 on: June 15, 2009, 14:30:31 pm »
I think we are all at the same stage with teeth, as Tristan is at the 'white slat' stage as well with this next one.  It's taking it's dear time though, I wish it would just hurry up and break through!!!

Alyssa - just a thought but why don't you try putting H down at say 7 and see what happens?  If he resists then it's no different than usual and you can just try again later.  Aiming for a 12hr day (or close to it) is so key I think, we were doing 13 or 14hr days forever because I couldn't make it work, but putting T to bed earlier really really helped.

Toni - I'm with you, we went from almost nothing to everything in the developmental department really fast too!  I felt like I blinked and all of a sudden everything changed.  T figured out one thing and it just snowballed into everything!  OMG, it was so overwhelming at first but now I'm so happy, he's soooo much fun now!!  And all day these days he goes ma-ma-mumumum-mum-MA!  He can say dada, but mum is his preference these days.   ::)  I'm trying to get him to say dada more before Father's Day next week!   ;)
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Re: just can't get it right - part 3!
« Reply #319 on: June 15, 2009, 14:38:48 pm »
And Jacob is STILL static  ::)

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Re: just can't get it right - part 3!
« Reply #320 on: June 15, 2009, 14:50:04 pm »
Liz- Isabella was until  I only put her down on her stomach as it was getting silly she just wouldn't move.

Roll a small towel and put it under his chest so his arms are over it and upper body supported by the towel that really helped us.

Just goes to show how different they all our he might not move but he has lots of teeth isabella didn't move and bearly has one tooth.

Liz/Martina- I need advice Isabella has had her first tooth coming through for the last 4 weeks but it is only 2mm up which is hardly anything doesn't seem to want to grow yet- lots of drool and biting things and all lumpy around it as well.

Do the teeth start off very jagged? I am very concerned about the speed of it coming up.


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Re: just can't get it right - part 3!
« Reply #321 on: June 15, 2009, 14:51:56 pm »
J will get there soon!  It happens when you least expect it!  :P

Toni - teeth grow in all over the place, in all different directions and such.  And sometimes they do come in slow so I wouldn't worry about it.  Afterall it's taking awhile for her to get her first tooth, so she is probably just a slow teether.  Sounds fine to me!!  :)
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Re: just can't get it right - part 3!
« Reply #322 on: June 15, 2009, 14:54:39 pm »
I think H is on the slow and steady as far as development.  Taking time, cautious (except when attempting to walk...and then it's all fall flat on the face!), and trying over and over again.  H sat on the floor this am and tried to pull up from the exersaucer but was too far away! Couldn't figure it out that if only 2-3 inches closer it would have worked!

Toni, I have switched H to Enfamil Gentlease from Nutramigen and we are doing MUCH better.  It's just the first bottle we have a problem with...and that may have something to do with reflux since H only gets 1/2 a tab of Prevacid in the am.  

Took 3.5 oz from the sippy before nap, though...and went down like a CHAMP!  I think we'll definitely go for a shorter A time in the evening and see if that makes a difference.  I've noticed that H has been chewing fingers a lot but won't let me put anything on the gums so maybe it is sore?  Won't even eat ice cubes, suck a on cold teether....Aimee, didn't you say Liana was doing that, too...not chewing cold things when she was teething???  

Martina, I hope you get Tristan to say dada for Father's day!  H's preferred word is Dada ::) but will throw and occasional mama in there for me!

 Anybody doing anything big for father's day?  Remember my big plan for father's day?  Leave H with Cody and me go to the spa?  TOTALLY GOT RUINED!  His uncle is coming in from West Virginia and told MIL that he wanted a graduation open house for his son, wanted her to make tee times for golf for all the guys, and then wants a BBQ on Sunday for father's day!  Firstly, HOW RUDE of him to expect MIL (his sister) to do all of that for him! Secondly, he just expects everyone to drop their plans to cater to him.  I know that we will definitely be over there all weekend and we do owe him a little time since he is being deployed later this summer or fall, he's a commanding officer in the Navy.  

Oh yeah, I remembered I wanted to take a poll with everyone...what do you do for bathtime for your lo?  As far as using the bit tub, a little tub, a bath seat, etc?  We have a safety 1st tub seat and H is starting to reach over to the side of the tub and pull to standing...and the seat says not to use it when pulling to standing.  Obviously I don't leave H alone but I don't like the idea of H falling when trying, you know? So, just wondering what everyone else uses.

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Re: just can't get it right - part 3!
« Reply #323 on: June 15, 2009, 15:04:39 pm »
We have a non slip mat in the bath and she just sits on that...
With more bath toys then she knows what to do with.

We had the safety first bath seat but she gets stuck in it now as too big.

She is developing fine and I don't think slow I think fast she over a month younger then Isabella and doing more then she is- I should be concerned not you. x


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Re: just can't get it right - part 3!
« Reply #324 on: June 15, 2009, 15:16:44 pm »
Dada was T's preferred word for awhile...he seems to go back and forth.   :)

The inlaws are coming over or Father's Day.  Oh well, could be worse.  I was kind of hoping that it would be the three of us, but MIL spends half her time in Quebec and doesn't get to see T much, so when she's back we try to have them over for a visit.  I am so counting down the days until Father's Day, I bought DH's gift weeks ago and it's been so hard not to give it to him because I know he'll be so excited!!  I always give him the best gifts, I know him so well so it's so easy to find something he's love.  It makes me happy to see him so excited.  I remember one year I got him tickets to see one of our fav bands (back in our younger years), and he was sooooo excited!  These days if I just get him something to do with fishing he's happy.  :)

That sucks about DH's uncle coming and telling everyone to do this and do that.  I guess he thinks he's pretty important?  I hope you can make the best of it and still have a lovely family day.  :)

AM nap was 1hr 10mins.  I'm not complaining!  :)

We were using a bath seat up until about 2 weeks ago.  Now we just let him sit by himself.  A little more challenging as he is always standing up or crawling around, but it's much more fun for him.  Lots of bath toys too (even though shampoo bottles are more interesting for him  ::))
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Re: just can't get it right - part 3!
« Reply #325 on: June 15, 2009, 15:44:45 pm »
My DH is working all weekend :P so gets me out of having to do much for his first fathers day!! But Kan will be happy with a card and a cuddle off Jacob - will have to wait until monday though.

I have never used a bath seat - always just supported him myself. He's been using the big bath at my parents and the little baby bath here for ages now. He's far too big for it now really - but I have kept using it to avoid filling the whole bath. But I brought a non split bath mat tonight so going to put him in there from now on. He's trying to pull up with the edge of the little bath as well so it isn't really safe now.

Well we just had our first bottle fight in a week. I'm not complaining - but they really do wear on me. I think it was just a bit warm at first - but then J being J even after it cooled he still didn't want it. Eventually took it and drank the lot. Grrrrr.

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Re: just can't get it right - part 3!
« Reply #326 on: June 15, 2009, 15:58:15 pm »
Going to go with the big tub tonight...we have some nonskid stuff so H should be fine.  Likes to crawl around in the tub...and we have TONS of tub toys...but the favorite is a squirt bottle!  ::)  H just woke up from am nap, almost 1.5 hrs but woke up crying and not happy  :-\ Off to go make a sippy!

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Re: just can't get it right - part 3!
« Reply #327 on: June 15, 2009, 16:03:47 pm »
Toni - J's bottom teeth are only a few mm - I think it all sounds fine. Teeth are just funny little things for ages!!

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Re: just can't get it right - part 3!
« Reply #328 on: June 15, 2009, 16:40:16 pm »
Hello everyone! I'm back again! LOL... I'm never really consistent here with the forums... sorry about that. I was pretty busy these past few weeks and when I was ready to come back, the forum was down for days! :(
Anyway, I'm glad its working again. So exciting to hear everyone's LO is growing up, developing, moving around, and growing more teeth! I feel like this is such an exciting age for our lo's and they are becoming more and more fun every day! Love it!
Xavier also has his bottom 2 little teeth which came in at about 7 months (and they also look a little jagged, Isabellasmum) ;) But I also think his top ones are coming in too! Last night I noticed a little white something up there, so I dunno. We have his 9 month checkup today and I'm excited to see how much he's grown. He is still isn't crawling :( But he's developing trying to move around (in his own way), he just rolls and rolls and rolls! In fact, last week he feel off the bed for the first time and I was FREAKING OUT! I felt like the worst mom in the world!! Especially since I was laying down right next to him and I wasn't quick enough.. Poor baby. He cried for a few seconds and just laughed afterward (which made me feel much better...whew!). He's also starting to lift himself up grabbing on to things, but no walking yet...
Anyway, I have to run since he just woke up from his first nap of the day.
I will be sure to stop in again today! Take care ladies! :)
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Re: just can't get it right - part 3!
« Reply #329 on: June 15, 2009, 17:00:39 pm »
Welcome back Alex!  :)  Glad to hear all is well with you and Xavier!  Tristan was the same, rolling and rolling and rolling, then just sprung into action!  I'm sure it will happen soon.

Alyssa - Tristan almost always wakes up crying, especially from naps (very rarely is he happy!).  I think he's just an unhappy riser (like his mummy!   ;))

He has been downright exhausting today!   :o  He's just getting to the point where he will throw little fits if something doesn't go his way.  For example, for whatever reason he is obsessed with the dishwasher.  If he sees me open it, it doesn't matter where he is or what he's doing he drops everything and books it over.  So I try to be fast and get it closed before he gets there, but then he stops and just screams or cries.  Same thing with the door, if I open in but don't let him out and close it again, he cries.  Or if he's on the opposite side of the gate that he wants to be on, or if I take something away from him...and so on...phew!  He's such a little active monkey!

Lunch was crappy again.  I've just started giving him all sorts of things, I figure if he's ready to leave purees behind a bit then I'll explore other options.  We'll see how it goes.   :P
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