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Re: just can't get it right - part 3!
« Reply #435 on: June 19, 2009, 08:24:22 am »
Oh huge ((((((hugs))))) Alyssa - I have had a couple of moments like that in thr last 2 weeks. For me it has been a combo of OT and teeth. What I do at night when that happens is just lie him in bed hext to me, and if he carries on screaming then so be it, but at least I am snuggling him. Then when he falls asleep I transfer him back to his cot.

I do also sometimes but him in the cot (sat up) and go downstairs to sort myself out. I am not a very patient person and do find it very hard sometimes.

We are off to music class now. J has already tested me to my limit today. The illness and whining continues. He threw up a whole bottle again this morning.

On the positive - he actually slept until 7am! Woke for a feed at 4am, but still!!

Offline clazzat

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Re: just can't get it right - part 3!
« Reply #436 on: June 19, 2009, 09:07:51 am »
Looks like these babies are spreading another cyber-bug - E is hot and very grumpy.  I'm really hoping it is just a short thing and that she will be okay for Sunday - keep your fingers crossed for me!

Hope J perks up for you, Liz.

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Re: just can't get it right - part 3!
« Reply #437 on: June 19, 2009, 10:31:52 am »
Oh no Clare - I really hope it is a quicky  :(.

J just doesn't actually seem ill - just grumpy and a lot of vomiting. And just not enough poop for it to be D&V - plus it has been going on for a week now. I've got a horrible feeling this is reflux again. I'm wondering if J is struggling to handle the increased volumes of feeds, but he wants them as his appetite is getting bigger as he gets bigger. Which gives 2 options really - either a milk thickener or to start trying solids before milk. And I have a feeling that at 9 mths people will want to try solids before milk first. I'm going to have to think about it. I think it might be time to give it a go really. It didn't work when I went to 3 bottles but I guess that was a month ago and he has had his 9 mth growth spurt. But being dairy free he still needs a good volume of milk for his calcium.

Well - I don't know what to do with J and his sleep. He woke at 7am  ;D and went back down at 10.40am after music class - woke after 35 mins and cried and thrashed around a bit but has gone back off again. I'm sure he was a bit OT by then, which makes me nervous to wake him at 11.30am, I guess I'll see what he does but wake him at 12ish if he is still sleeping.

I think I need total daytime sleep at 2.5ish hours - just need to work out if J is going to let me have that or not!!

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Re: just can't get it right - part 3!
« Reply #438 on: June 19, 2009, 11:25:02 am »
thanks for the hugs, ladies....I knew I could count on you guys coming to my rescue  ;)  I went back in and was able to keep my composure because I had left the room and typed a message instead of screaming at H!  I just kept repeating, "I can do this, I can do this."  I did pretty much just rock him to almost asleep then put him down.  He did wake when I put him down but I just stayed there and kept my hand on him....FINALLY fell back asleep about 1:10...almost a 1.5 hr wakeup/screamfest  :o  But, then slept all the way through until I woke him at 7:05.  I didn't want to wake him but letting him sleep in never makes for a good day.

As soon as I got him up he's been all smiles, but then cries when he hits his head on the table  ::) :P  If it isn't one thing, it's another. 

I hope E feels better before Sunday, Clare. Sending lots of ~~~~~~stay away bugs vibes~~~~~~~~~~  :)

Liz, sorry about the morning nap. I hope that J gets to taking his bottles better.  I was thinking of doing solids then bottle in the am since we just can't get that bottle to be good.

Gotta go as H just bopped his mouth of the table trying to pull up...time to make a bottle, too.  Hope you guy are having a good rest of the day!  :-* :-* Thanks again for the hugs  :-*

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Re: just can't get it right - part 3!
« Reply #439 on: June 19, 2009, 11:47:50 am »
Alyssa, I think it's very normal to feel the way you did last night. For me it is anyways. I hate to feel out of control and when I can't get something to work it makes me angry. Good news he got to sleep through after though. Hope all goes better for you today and tonight.

I felt as you did this morning at 5am. DH heard Zoe before I did and he went to try to resettle her. What a big mistake that was. He's usually the first person she sees when it's time to wake for the day and left her bedroom door open for the light just blazed through the room and of course she thought it was time to wake up. After 15min of crying I went to DH rescue and it took till 6am to get her to sleep. I thought all was good at 530, put her down then started crying at 545 so I had to go back. I felt so tired and angry because she wouldn't sleep.  On top of her waking at 12 & 3. I need another STTN soon. We tried the short morning nap(30min) and the longer pm nap and it's not working at all, did this for 2 days. I'll be going back to her normal long am nap and catnap in pm. The only thing that seemed to work good for night sleep is on 1 nap but it makes for an 11hr day, 13hr night. She's also been fussy during the day and feel bad that I've been giving her the soother to stop her whining. Up until last week she wasn't dependant of her soother and never seemed to like it much. Now she goes for it when she sees it.
I can't understand the people that have no routine and their kids are all over the place with naps and bedtime and waking several times at night, and it doesn't even seem to bother them. It's like it's normal to them. All I know I wouldn't survive to long that way.

Clare, how are things today?
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Re: just can't get it right - part 3!
« Reply #440 on: June 19, 2009, 11:51:58 am »
SylvieA, glad I'm not the only one who hates feeling out of control like that.  I just hate it that I don't know what's wrong!!!  H doesn't settle if we bring him to our bed so that's not an option. He kept crying out even when I was trying to rock him!  We're still having our issues this am.  Could only manage 4 oz of a bottle and will scream the house down if I try anymore.  Still don't know what's up with that.  He's trying his hardest to get up on the coffee table and just keeps hitting his head.  I have the bottom portion padded for his crawling, looks like I have to do the top part now!  So you do the long am nap and shorter pm nap?  That's what we do.  I tried for weeks with the short am nap and longer pm nap and never got a long pm nap so gave up.

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Re: just can't get it right - part 3!
« Reply #441 on: June 19, 2009, 12:11:05 pm »
Good morning!  OMG, 30 pages!  I suppose you'll be locking this one soon and on to part 4??   ;)

So sorry about the screamfest last night Alyssa.   :'(  I'm with you, I just hate the feeling of losing control, but when things like that happen I get so angry and frustrated.  Sometimes I really do just have to walk away and regroup.  Glad that at least H slept until 7.  :)  I hope he gets a little happier as the day goes on, cranky babies are no fun!!

Sylvie - we'd like to do a short am nap and long pm nap too, but it doesn't work for us either.  Even if I limit the am nap, the pm nap is almost always short.  I guess some babies just don't like it that way!  If you think the 1 nap worked best, even on an 11hr day, you could still try it for awhile and once Zoe gets used to it, I'm sure the day will gradually get longer.  Chances are even when you go down to one nap (whenever it may be) you'll have to shorten the day anyway to avoid OT, so it's really not that strange.  Once she's used to that routine, you can move back to a 12hr day.  I think if there was any way Tristan was ready for 1 nap, I'd go for it!  But we're not quite there yet... ::)

Liz - I think solids before milk might be worth a shot.  Even if it doesn't work, at least you tried it so you wouldn't be wondering it that would have made a difference.  Sorry that J is off again today.  I hope his naps get sorted and he starts to feel better soon.  :)

Clare - fingers crossed that E doesn't have anything too serious and that it's long gone by Sunday!  :)

Our night was ok.  T woke at 3ish but he was just mantra'ing so I was hoping if I left him he'd go back to sleep.  No such luck.  He did that for about 15mins, was quiet for a few mins, then started crying.  So I went in there and he was standing in one of the back corners of the crib, he must have been disoriented.  I fed him and he went back to sleep no problem.  That's the thing, he's pretty much always go back to sleep quicky and happily with a feed, which makes it hard not to feed him!  He was up for the day at 6 though, boooo!!  I'm so tired, all I can think about is crawling back into bed when he goes down for a nap.

Well, I better get cracking on breakfast.  Have a good day!  :)
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Re: just can't get it right - part 3!
« Reply #442 on: June 19, 2009, 12:21:21 pm »
oh my, didn't see that we hit 30 pages already...will lock this and start a new's the link: