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Re: just can't get it right - part 3!
« Reply #90 on: May 25, 2009, 23:22:05 pm »
Well we went to the market thinking maybe H would fall asleep for a few in the truck but of course not...they never sleep when you want them to and always fall asleep in the truck when you don't!  When we got home I put him in the moby wrap and did some vacuuming and he closed his eyes for a minute.  We went for nice relaxing walk after dinner and then did bath.  I pushed everything back a tiny bit because I figured he fell asleep for maybe 5 min at most....I put him down and he's tired but crawling all over and pulling on the crib slats like he's in jail.  Tomorrow I'm going to scrap A time and when he looks tired put him down and let him sleep.  I'm the bad BW'er!!

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Re: just can't get it right - part 3!
« Reply #91 on: May 25, 2009, 23:30:23 pm »
Grrrr!  They never do sleep in the car when you want them to!  I've given up using the car for naps, I mean Tristan will nap in there but I used to plan for it more often and it was just so stressful, watching in the mirror all the time if he'd fallen asleep.  Now I just take off and go, and if he sleeps then great!   :)

Sounds like H is a little OT, but I'm sure he'll settle soon.  Is he crawling yet?  Maybe that's affecting him too.  I think you have a good plan to just let him sleep tomorrow when he's tired.  A times mean nothing to us over here.   ::)  But if H is OT it's probably good if he gets caught up.

You're NOT a bad BW'er!  You get way better naps than I do, I'm the worst one here for naps!  Tristan barely gets 2hrs naps a day, everyday, and is in a constant state of OT that I can't fix.  Even if I put him down early and he naps well for a day or two, we always end up in the same place hence why I've given up.  I think you're doing great, so please don't get down on yourself.  Sending big (((hugs))) your way.   :-* :-* :-*
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Re: just can't get it right - part 3!
« Reply #92 on: May 26, 2009, 07:41:38 am »
Does soud like the dreaded OT - I think following cues for a few days is a great idea. I mean if you can get back to good naps and a 11 hr night regardless of wakeup time, then slowly push the day back. I think that might be easier than trying to solve an EW - they suck.

J did an 10.75 hr night last night and woke seeming tired still, despite the 3h 10 mins A after a 2hr nap. I think I still have a bit of OT going on at bedtime.

I'm going to rty and cold turkey to 3 bottles too.

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Re: just can't get it right - part 3!
« Reply #93 on: May 26, 2009, 10:39:33 am »
Sounds like we're all battling some OT at the moment.   ::)

Our night was usual, 3:30 feed then back to sleep, but we had a VERY rude EW this morning!  He was up at 5, we left him until 5:30 then DH went in to see what was up (I was quite content to ignore him), couldn't settle him, so brought him to me.   ::)  Well, Tristan was WIDE awake, no intention of going back to sleep either in his bed or with me.  He might have, if he lay there long enough, but I figured he'd probably fall asleep eventually but then we'd sleep until 8, and that never helps us anyway.  For whatever reason I was wide awake to, so at 6:15 I just said screw it and we got up.  So now here we are.  He's playing happily with his toys, but my gosh the bags under his eyes are huge.   :(

Today though we're supposed to go to the zoo with other moms.  We're leaving around 10 which is usually his nap time.  Anyways, for today I think because of that and because of the obscene EW, I'll put him down for a nap probably around 8am, hope that he gets caught up on some sleep, then go from there.  Might have to do a few days of following cues too to get him back on track.  What kills me though is the little monster is still so bloody happy all the time despite the lack of sleep!!  And the most frustrating part is I've been through this, more A or less A, he still naps like crap!  Anyways, I'm not wasting too much energy caring, it's just a phase.  I suspect his new mobility has something to do with it as well.
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Re: just can't get it right - part 3!
« Reply #94 on: May 26, 2009, 11:32:02 am »
Liz, I hope things are going ok with J getting his wires on for his EEG. Thinking of you!!!

Sounds like we all had a kinda crappy night. H finally went down about 7:40 (just like the night before!) and then woke about 3. He wasn't really crying, it was more fussy/whimpering/light crying so I let it be. He'd fall asleep after 10 min or so and then wake back up in another 10 and repeat. He did that for over 30 min and then the crying go harder. I went in to resettle and then the screaming hard started. I gave Motrin and teething stuff and he just wasn't going to chill. If I picked him up he just occasionally cried in my arms or starred at me  ::) When he was in the crib he'd burry his head in his lovey and cry so hard...the kind that if you were doing it would hurt your throat from crying so hard.  I finally gave in and fed him a little....2 oz, not like he sucked it down but he calmed down and I put him down and he was quiet and rolled around and went back to sleep.  Not sure if he woke back up but he was still kinda sleeping at 7.  We'll see how the rest of the day goes!!!

I hope you have fun at the zoo, Martina!!  I;m sure Tristan will get caught up on sleep and be a happy little boy like he always is!!  :-* :-*

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Re: just can't get it right - part 3!
« Reply #95 on: May 26, 2009, 14:06:27 pm »
Well - my baby looks like a little alien - he has 12 wires attached with glue to his head and then tied at the back and connected to a little battery pack. He finds them every now and again but is easily destracted by something else. I've just put him down for his afternoon nap and hoping I get a good one as he just had 2 20 min catnaps this morning.

Everything is so hard to do with the wires attached as we don't want him to see them. He's is the cot sleeping on a little pillow so I can tuck the wires underneath, and then out the side of the cot.

Its a SIDS nightmare round here. Wires, little teddies, nursery 22 degrees, no dummy  ::). I think I'm going to have him sleep in my bed with me tonight as I can't really think of any other way. He is certainly not safe in the nursery on his own with all those wires. I can't fit a amttress for me on his nursery floor. I could go round my parents as he has a cot there in the guest room. We will see.

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Re: just can't get it right - part 3!
« Reply #96 on: May 26, 2009, 20:21:13 pm »
Liz, how'd J do with his naps today with his wires?  HOpe you were able to keep his hands off the wires.  I'm sure you'll be glad (as I'm sure J, too) to get this over with!!!  I hope J gets some sleep tonight for you.

We ended up having a VERY pleasant day today!  DH actually spent time with us...of course, we went golfing to do it  ::)  H did really well this morning....I watched for cues and put him down about 10:10ish and within minutes he was out...took about a 1 hr and almost 25 min nap.  Then he had a bottle and we went golfing! I pushed H in the stroller while DH walked.  H did GREAT!  We got out about halfway through the 7th hole and let H sit and crawl around for a bit and then I carried him for the last 2 holes.  I had some snacks packed in the stroller because we missed lunch but H sipped on water and had crackers and those puffs and yogurt melts!  We came home and my dad stopped by, H was crawling around on the floor and wasn't acting super tired but I could tell was losing steam.  I gave a bottle right before 3, put H down about 3:05 almost 3.5 hrs after the am nap...H rolled around for a bit and went down after less than 10 min.  Nap 2 has been going on for almost 1 hr and 10's getting close to 4:30 so now I don't know what to do about bedtime?!  3.5 hrs after a 1.5 hr am nap...what to I do after a 1 hr and 15 min nap?!?!?!  I'm going to have to wake him up soon to keep a 7:30ish bedtime.  Maybe I should go do that now!  Anywho..I put some pics up on facebook if you want to see H "golfing!"

Hope everyone had a great day.   :D

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Re: just can't get it right - part 3!
« Reply #97 on: May 26, 2009, 20:32:04 pm »
Hey - glad you had a better day  :)

J is doing really well so far. He obviously missed his morning nap and I put him down at about his usual nap time. He woke 2h 25 mins later  :o :o. I didn't want to wake him as he would cry and flail with all his wires attached.

I then did 3h 25 to bed so he went down late - but I figured who cares - I bet tonight will be wonky anyway.

If I could just get one NWing for milk I'll be delighted (but again unlikely)!!

He is on a little pillow to keep his wires out of his way. Looks so comfortable for him. Shame they can't have them until 12 mths really.

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Re: just can't get it right - part 3!
« Reply #98 on: May 26, 2009, 22:59:14 pm »
This afternoon/evening has been so bloody horrid that I don't even want to recount it.   :(  I have felt like crap all day and Tristan is not cooperating whatsoever.  This morning's nap was decent enough, but since then he has not had more than 45mins sleep all day, he is so freaking tired but all he wants to do is get up and crawl.  When I put him down for bed, he just pops up to sitting and tries to pull himself up or crawl all around the crib.  Or screams.  I am just not feeling well enough to deal with it right now, so DH is in there with him but I am not hopeful for tonight whatsoever, and I don't even want to think about the damage control I have ahead of me over the next little while.  I just want to feel better!  Then I could think clearly and make it right.  I can't remember a day where I felt so frustrated, I even yelled at him today.  Awful, awful, awful.   :'( :'( :'(

Alyssa, I'm so glad you had a great day.   :)
Liz, hope the night goes well with J & his wires.   :)
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Re: just can't get it right - part 3!
« Reply #99 on: May 26, 2009, 23:44:32 pm »
Oh Martina  :'( :'( :'( ((((((((HUGS)))))))  I am SO sorry you had such a bad day.  I hope you feel better soon.  I hope that tonight isn't as bad as you think and you can get a fresh start tomorrow.  I wish I could come over there and do night duty for you and then take care of Tristan tomorrow so you can get some rest.   :-* :-* :-* Today is just a bad day and tomorrow it will be better.  Try to get some rest tonight.  Take a long bubble bath and get to bed early.  I'll be thinking of you tonight.  ((((((((HUGS)))))))) again.

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Re: just can't get it right - part 3!
« Reply #100 on: May 27, 2009, 01:02:03 am »
Thank you Alyssa   :-* :-* :-*  DH managed to get him to sleep, albeit he had to hold him until he was asleep, but I didn't have to do it so I don't care how he did got him to sleep, only that he did!  I really really really really hope that he gets some sleep tonight so that we can start over tomorrow.  Thanks so much for the hugs, they were much needed.  Well, I've taken some serious meds and now I'm off to be (at 9!) 
Good night!! :) :) :)
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Re: just can't get it right - part 3!
« Reply #101 on: May 27, 2009, 11:59:53 am »
Liz, did J get his wires off today?!  I'm sure he's probably happy to have those gone!!!  How did he do last night?

Martina, did Tristan get some sleep last night?  So glad your DH took over for you and get Tristan to sleep so you could rest.  DH and I went to bed at 9:30 last night, too!!!  Were you able to get some rest I hope???

We had a decent night...I think H woke up about 6:30...maybe before, but I heard him right about 6:30...that was 11 hours!  :o I don't think he moved ALL night.  Was still on his tummy in the same corner as he fell asleep.  I left him in his room until I wanted to get up (7) but he started to fuss and cry about 6:45...just left him anyway since it wasn't a come get me cry.   Oddly, still seems grumpy. ??? And won't eat.  Only took 5 (forced) oz last night and then won't eat this am.  I've managed to force 3.5 oz...although H tried to push the bottle away after 0.5 oz....I've even tried orajel!

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Re: just can't get it right - part 3!
« Reply #102 on: May 27, 2009, 12:55:13 pm »
Alyssa, Glad you had a good night :) 

Ours wasn't too bad.  Tristan slept from 7:15-4:15, woke, I fed him and gave him some Motrin, then he went back to sleep until 6:10.  Wish he would have slept longer though.   ::)  This new mobility is becoming a big problem, he is so difficult to settle as all he does his roll over and sit up.  When I got up at 4:15, I went to the bathroom first and I could hear him crawling around and bumping his head on the sides of the crib in the dark!   :o 

This morning I put him down early in hopes he gets more caught up on some sleep.  It's my hope that he'll catnap on the way to cooking class and on the way back too, trying to get in as much sleep as possible!  It's a nice theory and in my head it works, but I'll bet Tristan has other ideas.   ::)

Liz, hope everything went ok with J & the wires :)
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Re: just can't get it right - part 3!
« Reply #103 on: May 27, 2009, 14:33:37 pm »
J is now wire free - thank goodness. Some of them did come off in the night and I had to reattach so not sure if it will have been recording after then or not. But he had some twitches before it came off so hopefully they will be bale to run with it. Not sure I'd agree to do it again anyway.

Last night wasn't too bad considering. Asleep at 8.15 (sang in cot for 20 mins first!!) then woke at 11.30pm but had just got into an uncomfortable position so I shifted him and he went back to sleep. Then woke at 3am hungry and wet. SCREAMED while I changed him and reattached his wires. Wouldn't fall back asleep in the cot -kept nodding off and then waking again. I think he was just uncomfy and not free enough to move around, so I put him in bed next to me on a little pillow and he went back to sleep at 4am, woke at 5am but I shh'd him off until 6.25am. Not a great night as only 10h 10 mins, with a 1 hr waking, but I doubt it could have been better with all those stupid wires.

Catnaps this morning and now having his afternoon nap. Seems to me that J might wake up at 6.30am regardless these days so I'm thinking of moving bedtime back a bit. I'm wondering if he is just programmed for an early start for the moment, and might be best off with an earlier bedtime to get a longer night.

((hugs)) Martina - I hope you are feeling better today!   

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Re: just can't get it right - part 3!
« Reply #104 on: May 27, 2009, 21:51:39 pm »
Martina, glad to hear your night wasn't as bad as you thought it was going to be.  Did Tristan take a morning nap for you?  How was cooking class??  What good recipes did you do this week.  I don't have anything exciting in my life so I have to live vicariously through you!  :P

Liz, SO glad to hear that J is wire free!  What a trooper to have done that for 24 hours (you and him!!!) 

We had another decent day. H was SUPER fussy this am...DH and I think definitely illness or teething. Screamed everytime put down, when I left the room..huge alligator tears and runny nose.  Gave some motrin this am before nap and has been fine since!!  H did about 3 hrs this am and then 1 hr 40 min nap, 3.5 hrs then a 1.5 hr nap....that's the longest naps we've had in a LONG time.  Since H didn't wake up until 4:30 I think we'll go with a 7:45/8pm bedtime...hope that gets us to 7 am since we've only been having 11 hr nights.  I'm afraid of maybe having too much day sleep?  We'll see.  I've just been going by cues today!  We even went out this afternoon and H was SO good...didn't even fall asleep in the truck!  Have had 2 explosive poops today...hopefully teeth related!  Also been having a little trouble with bottles but we're making up for it!

Hope everyone has a good night!!!  Can't wait to hear about cooking class Martina!  Liz, when do you find out about J's EEG results????  Praying for good news.