My LO is now 7 months old. I started trying to give her solids about 6 weeks ago. She started taking them, bit by bit, - pureed veggies, as recommended, but then after about 3 weeks just started refusing them. Then I tried baby rice and baby porridge (plain and with fruit); she ate them for a few meals, and then refused those.
I have tried all sorts since then, home-made and commercial, including; pureed fruits, with and without baby rice and oatmeal, rice cakes, soft teething biscuits, fruit smoothies with yoghurt, just giving her cooked sticks of carrot, bean, broccoli ... the only thing she will eat consistently is banana, but 'man cannot live by banana alone' ...
I have also tried her in lots of different places, i.e. high chair, on my lap at the table, in a bouncy chair that she's very used to. Nothing seems to make a difference. I have also tried feeing her with a spoon, letting her feed herself with the spoon, using my finger ... ditto.
In terms of refusing, she clamps her mouth shut, moves her head away, bats away the spoon / food with her arms quite firmly, protests but doesn't outright scream. I don't want her to associate food / eating with a battle and bad feelings.
She is on breastmilk morning and evening and formula during the day. She does seem to be getting hungrier too.
Has anyone else had this problem? Any ideas? Just stop for a while and re-start, keep persisting, seek professional help?