Author Topic: I cannot recognize his sleepy cues!!  (Read 979 times)

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Offline iluvmymatthew

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I cannot recognize his sleepy cues!!
« on: May 21, 2009, 13:18:23 pm »
My son is 6 weeks old and I'm failing miserably with the napping issue, especially the first nap of the day!  The problem is that he has no recognizable sleepy cues.  He doesn't yawn until we actually get in the bedroom for wind down and by then, he's overtired.   :-\  (BTW, wind down is we go in his room, turn on the fan, swaddle, and sit in the recliner.)

I try to watch him like a hawk to see if I can recognize any sleepy cues and one day I noticed that after a little while (about an hour), his movements were getting quicker and jerkier which usually means he's about to be upset.  That one day I happened to time his morning nap correctly and he went to sleep fine with no fussing or crying.  However, I haven't been able to catch it again.   ::)

Today he got fussy after being awake for only 30 minutes so I took him to his room for wind down.  He started getting fussy as soon as we sat down in the recliner.  By then he was overtired and has been fighting his nap!  Matter of fact, his morning nap is usually only 15-30 minutes because he is so overtired and won't stay asleep. :(

This happens every single day!  The rest of his naps will be okay because he's so exhausted from not napping in the morning that as soon as the eats, he's ready to go right back to bed.  There's hardly any A time.  It's usually eat, change diaper, and right back to sleep.

Are there any sleepy cues that are more subtle than the obvious yawn, slower activity, glazed eyes, etc?   I know the "A" time for his age is an hour to 1hr15minutes but I don't know that he can even handle that.  Should I just start experimenting with "A" times? 

And please don't ask me to post our routine because it won't do any good.  He is normally up between 6-7am and eats every 2.5-3hrs.  The rest of the time I'm battling naps.  ::)

Thank you!
Proud Mother of Matthew 6/27/04 and Nathan 04/08/09

Offline bennysmama

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Re: I cannot recognize his sleepy cues!!
« Reply #1 on: May 21, 2009, 20:30:46 pm »
A big, huge (((hug))).   

It gets easier, I promise!   Six weeks old is still very, very little and the cues DO get easier to spot.   DS's sleepy cues at that age included jerky movements (easy to confuse with excitement), hiccups (weird I know) and a thousand yard stare.   

One of the more experienced mummys will be along with some good advice shortly.  In the meantime, I'd suggest a bit of combined clock-watching and cue-watching.   


Offline annette.xx

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Re: I cannot recognize his sleepy cues!!
« Reply #2 on: May 21, 2009, 21:08:16 pm »

I was exactly the same with my LO at that age....she used to just feed then fight was a nightmare!!!

the only thing that broke the cycle was for me to watch the clock and time just over an hr from her I would feed her (this took over 45 mins!!) then calmly walk around with her cuddled against my sholder for about another 15 mins, then swaddle her and settle to sleep.....

It was so hard keeping her awake but honestly it suprised me that she slept for proper naps after that!!! after feeding tho the walking round has to be really calming ....i didnt do anything stimulating at that young age or they get really fussy!!!

from what I have learnt on this site...short naps of 30 mins are generally Undertired...i know it seems strange but give it a was my saving grace!!!!

by 8 to 10 wks they start wanting to stay awake more and I think the tired signs show more!!

is this your first? im on my first and my word is it hard work!!!....but its worth it!

the moderators are fab on here and the other mums are so caring....they really look after you....

let me know how tomorrow goes....


Offline iluvmymatthew

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Re: I cannot recognize his sleepy cues!!
« Reply #3 on: May 21, 2009, 22:00:36 pm »
Thanks for the replies!

Annette, no, it's not my first, it's my second but I really screwed up with my first and want to do things "properly" this go around.  With my first I nursed him all of the time, nursed him for naps and he only took 30 minute naps.  I didn't implement any type of routine until he was 9 months old and it was a dream!  I was hoping to get started early with this one.

Ugh, I just wish I could catch him before he got OT.  It's so frustrating because then he's so tired he's crying and can't settle for a nap. :(
Proud Mother of Matthew 6/27/04 and Nathan 04/08/09

Offline annette.xx

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Re: I cannot recognize his sleepy cues!!
« Reply #4 on: May 22, 2009, 11:42:59 am »
so now youre on number 2...what was better on you...routine or the no routine? asking cos my partner wants to have another baby fairly soon and I dont know if I could cope with doing all this again!!!....though it is an amazing routine.....

sometimes I wonder if im stressing myself out too much with a routine and my MIL (nightmare!!!) keeps telling me I shouldnt need to have a set routine cos thats why im so stressed all the time.....I think they forget what its like cos it was so long ago for them!!!!!

let me know how today goes!!! keeping fingers crossed for you...(and myself...shes just gone down for a nap...please let it last!!!)...I sit through her whole nap on edge incase she wakes up too soon!!!


Offline LizzieN

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Re: I cannot recognize his sleepy cues!!
« Reply #5 on: May 22, 2009, 11:55:42 am »
they definitely forget what it's like unfortunately.  Annette darling you would cope beautifully with another bub, but just don't go there until you are both ready :)

Hey also don't beat yourself up if you are finding your baby hard to read...your bub is so young yet that he probably doesn't have consistent signs yet!!!  I would just have a look at what generally works with A time (usually the morning nap will be a shorter A time) and watch closely from there.  Don't beat yourself up, just be happy when it works and when it doesn't remember you have another opportunity to get it going well in a couple of hours time LOL

Big hugs

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Offline iluvmymatthew

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Re: I cannot recognize his sleepy cues!!
« Reply #6 on: May 22, 2009, 14:16:13 pm »
Annette, I absolutely love having a routine, especially at night!  He does great at night but naps are a nightmare!  But I remember having this trouble with my firstborn, too.  When I put him on the routine at 9 months, things got so much easier because he was napping twice per day.  With a newborn like mine, they are napping multiple times per day which means having to time it right multiple times rather than just a couple of times.

And today he started getting fussy after 45 minutes which means I missed the window yet again.  He goes from smiling and happy to fussy in literally one second. 
Proud Mother of Matthew 6/27/04 and Nathan 04/08/09