Hi! I just went thru this 7 months ago with a 22 month old, who is also a great sleeper, on a great routine. I painted her new room the same color, tried to set things up the same, same artwork on the walls, etc. We visited the new house every day (it was only 2 miles from old house) and even had lunch and playtime in her new room before we lived there..(we built the house, so nobody lived in it) If your new home is occupied, still then just drive by alot, maybe put a picture of the new house on your fridge, and keep talking about it and how much fun it will be.
On our last day at the old house, I told my dh that the moment dd woke from her nap, he was to break down her crib and furniture and get it completely set up at the new house in time for bed at 8pm. He did it!!! I hadn't packed up any of her things that she could see..I wanted her room to look the same, so she wouldn;t get nervous. I was probably a little OTT with it all...but she went down on her first night in the new place, just like always, slept thru the night...not one issue ever. Keep the routine as close as possible to her normal routine during the move...keep all the rituals the same (stories, bath, prayers, whatever) If your lo has a lovey or blankie that will go a long way towards helping her feel safe.
Good luck!