Author Topic: Teething seemed OT/ajusting A times for 9.5m  (Read 1414 times)

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Offline Luara

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Teething seemed OT/ajusting A times for 9.5m
« on: May 29, 2009, 01:55:08 am »

Here's what's going on with my 9mths textbook/angel DD:

She's been:
- really cranky
- having a terrible time falling asleep
- waking at night
- showing signs of tiredness (yawning and rubbing eyes)

I can't tell exactely how it happened but I'm pretty sure she's seriously OT.

This is her sleep routine a couple of days ago:

6:30 wake up (vary from 6:00 to 7:30 depending on bedtime)
9:50-11:30 nap (1.40) (stimes goes til 2 hrs)
3:10-4:40 nap (1.30)
8:00 bedtime (vary from 8 to 8:30 depending on the naps)

Now I've shortened A times to 3 / 3.30 / 3 hrs but still fighting a lot to fall asleep (exept for the am nap)...

Do you think bedtime is too late? How can it be earlier if her A times keep streching while nigh sleep has to remain 11/12 hrs?

Desperately need your help!!!

xx Luara.

« Last Edit: June 02, 2009, 20:16:33 pm by Luara »

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Re: Seriously OT LO: HELP!
« Reply #1 on: May 29, 2009, 02:21:04 am »
Hi there, do you think she might be teething?  That could explain the crankiness, NWs and trouble falling asleep.
Yawning/rubbing eyes might mean she's bored? 

My LO is 9mo too and is also textbook/angel, and I KNOW he is seriously OT!  But that is because he doesn't nap well.  It looks like your DD naps really well.  How much sleep does she get at night?  She might be getting too much day sleep which is why she is waking at night.  Of course, our naps are a mess and our nights aren't bad but not perfect either, so I'm not much of a sleep expert!! 

If I had to guess, I would suggest shortening her morning nap a little (1 hour maybe), moving her PM nap earlier (make sure she's up by 4pm), and trying for a bit earlier bedtime, maybe 7:30.  I have to say, I'm jealous of your naps and 8pm bedtime, that's what I wish I had for DS!  Oh well, maybe one day it will happen for us!  :)
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Re: Seriously OT LO: HELP!
« Reply #2 on: May 29, 2009, 12:51:30 pm »
I agree with's probably time to start limiting one of the naps.  So you'll have short am/long pm or vice versa.


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Re: Seriously OT LO: HELP!
« Reply #3 on: May 29, 2009, 20:32:53 pm »
Hi Martina and Charmie - I do think it could be teething, specialy after today... she was supposed to be a little better cause slept well both night and naps but she's still so cranky...I didn't know though that yawning and rub eyes could be boredom as yes, it could be...

About the naps: Oh no! I've struggled for so long to extend her naps now I have to shorten them!!  How ironic...
And this means less Y time... :'(  Ok, as long as it also means a good night sleep...  ::)

She actually slep well last night, only woke once but went right back to sleep... I woke up at 7am and she was playing in the crib so not sure when she woke up exactly...probaly 6:30, so EW...probably bc too much day sleep?

Today her A times were 3.15, 3.20, and she fell asleep easily for the naps. First nap was 1.40 and second 1.10 (I woke her). So let's see how tonight is gonna go...

Thank you so much for now... :-*

xx Luara


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Re: Seriously OT LO: HELP!
« Reply #4 on: May 29, 2009, 20:40:01 pm »
Yes, the EW sounds like UT due to too much day sleep I would think.

Teething makes them a little sleepier, so she might seem tired all the time because of the teething.  (not my LO though!  He's always teething but never wants to sleep!  Just my luck  ::))

Good luck!  Let us know how tonight goes :)
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Offline Luara

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Re: Seriously OT LO: HELP!
« Reply #5 on: May 30, 2009, 20:43:56 pm »
She slept 11.30 hrs!!!!! Yay!!! It really was time for one short nap...thank you GIrls!  :-* She woke twice though but I'm not much concerned about that bc could be the teeths or a prop issue we have but I've got it under control...

I also remembered a couple days ago she ate very less than usual -confirms the teething again...

Ok, now the title of this thread sound a bit silly... :-\  It had to be "seriously teething LO"  ;D

Anyway I think she's getting better, all the "symtoms" are lighter...and now I'll be more able to recognize when she's teething again...

Just a question: a long nap is really anything more than 1 hour? Today she was at my sisters bc I had to work and her pm nap was 1.10 (am had been 1hr), should I put her to bed a little earlier tonight?

Martina - I'm sorry about your LO's naps...are they getting any better?



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Re: Seriously OT LO: HELP!
« Reply #6 on: May 31, 2009, 00:02:56 am »
Great news!!!   :D  I hope it keeps working out for you!  Isn't it so great when you crack something that really helps?  I love that feeling!  Are these her first teeth?  Around here we seem to get teeth on a regular basis, Tristan has 7 with the next on the way.   :o  So no matter what I blame EVERYTHING on teething, lol!   ;)

A nap over an hour for us is a long nap, but that's because I have a short napper on my hands.  The longest he naps is 1hr 20mins, which is 2 sleep cycles and is usually enough.  Was her PM nap sufficient, or do you think she was still tired?  I don't think it would hurt to be prepared for a slightly earlier bedtime, but it would really depend on how she woke from that last nap.  Maybe aim for 15mins earlier and see how it goes? 

We're still working on our's a process, but keeps me busy!   ;)
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Re: Seriously OT LO: HELP!
« Reply #7 on: May 31, 2009, 18:02:16 pm »
Martina, I love that feeling too! 7 teeth, that's a lot! It's good thou that you suffer all at once  :-\ dd has only 2! and when they came she was ok, amybe that's why I didn't even thik about it this time...

So let me up date you - last night she had a 3.40 A time bc I couldn't leave my sister earlier so I think it was a bit too  much for her as she had slept only 1.10 at pm she didn't have an EW but woke a few times... :( anyway I think she's question now is:

Today she:

woke up - 7.15
nap - 10.45 - 11.45

Now I don't know what to do with the pm nap!!! She has to sleep her long nap but that's gonna push her bedtime too far!!! what do I do?????

xx Luara

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Re: Seriously OT LO: HELP!
« Reply #8 on: May 31, 2009, 18:22:58 pm »
I suppose your choices would be nap from 3-4 (wake her up) to keep bedtime at 7:30, or from 3-4:30 and opt for a later bedtime.  I would have her up from her nap by 4 and keep bedtime at 7:30 for consitency, but that's my personal opinion, I can't say whether it would be the right choice.  What do you think would suit her (and you) best? 

Do you think she's be ready for a nap at 2:45?  You could try that, and wake her at 4.

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Offline Luara

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Re: Teething seemed OT/ajusting A times for 9.5m
« Reply #9 on: June 02, 2009, 20:46:26 pm »
Hi, sorry took so long to update...

I opted for 3:00-4:30 pm nap bc I'm still kinda afraid of two short naps + I believe she'd be UT at she went to bed at 8:00, woke up at 7:00, great.

Yesterday we had a crazy day and she got a 20 min nap in a car ride only!  :o  then bedtime had to be 6pm bc she refused to catnap before, but amazinly she did great again and went till 6am!!  :D

What I still don't get is what will happen when her A times begin to increase again? Naps keep getting shorter too?



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Re: Teething seemed OT/ajusting A times for 9.5m
« Reply #10 on: June 02, 2009, 22:01:07 pm »
So glad things worked out!  Sounds like you're doing a great job of knowing what's best for you and DD!  :)  How great of her too to sleep so well last night after such a crazy day, that's wonderful!

I would suspect that her naps would continue to get shorter as her A times get longer.  I think many babies start to make the 2-1 transistion approaching a year old, so what many moms find works is gradually cutting that morning back bit by bit until it's virtually non-existent.  This is where you'll really have to watch for her cues and use your judgement to see what works for her.  We, unfortunately, are nowhere near any of that so I'm afraid I can't help much!  You still have some time until that starts to happen, but it's probably something you'll want to be aware of - the AM nap slowly getting shorter until eventually you just have one long PM nap.  When that happens, let me know how it goes so I can do it too!  ;)
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Re: Teething seemed OT/ajusting A times for 9.5m
« Reply #11 on: June 04, 2009, 12:18:26 pm »
Glad to see you're doing so well  ;D  It's amazing how they can handle OT better when they are generally rested.  Martina is giving you great advice.  Got nothing to add.


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Re: Teething seemed OT/ajusting A times for 9.5m
« Reply #12 on: June 15, 2009, 18:54:11 pm »
Hello, I'm soooooooo sorry!! I wasn't able to open bwforums page Internal Error message kept showing, I was getting so frustrated... :'(

We're still doing fine most of the time but lots of new doubts...i don't have time to write them now....but thank you so much for your help Martina and Charmie, you're the best!

I'll come by later... :-* :-* :-*


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Re: Teething seemed OT/ajusting A times for 9.5m
« Reply #13 on: June 15, 2009, 19:01:42 pm »
Hey, no worries!   :)  The site was down so none of us were getting on.   :o

Soooo glad things are going well!!

Come check out our other thread if your interested, we all have LOs the same age and it's a great place to share experiences and find help and support!

:) :) :)
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Offline Luara

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Re: Teething seemed OT/ajusting A times for 9.5m
« Reply #14 on: June 16, 2009, 21:02:50 pm »
Oh, so it wasn't only me... ::)

I'll check this other thread out...tks
