Where shall I start, well firstly Becky has been wonderful and offered me advice in the past, which I am still trying to implement but just can't seem to manage. Was going to write back and thank everyone once I got sorted but unfortunately 5 months on and i'm still struggling and the problems are getting worse so firstly I would like to apologise for not getting back and thanking people.
I have a 2 year old boy who never really transitioned from the 2 - 1 nap thing very well. Before the transition he was sleeping approx 11 1/2 hours at night and 1 1/2 in morning and 1 hour in the afternoon. Going to sleep each time without a problem and waking up happy most times. The problems started about 7 months ago when he cut his morning and afternoon naps to 45 mins each. It was then I decided he must be ready to go to one nap ( he was 17 1/2 months old at that point) so I moved his sleep to 11.00 am - he slept 1 hour 20 mins and was still sleeping 11 1/2 hours at night. He then started to lengthen his daytime nap to 2hours then 2 hours 15 mins at which point he dropped his nighttime sleep to 10 1/2 hours - as he had an early bedtime it meant he was waking up at 5.30am, sometimes 5am - urgh !! So I started waking him from his daytime nap after 1 1/2 sleep time.( I know now I should've started to put him to bed earlier then and he would've probably caught up on his OT, when I found this out (again with the help of Becky, it was too late and I couldn't get him to take a longer lunchtime nap!) He did however add this time back to his night sleep and seemed OK for a few days until he started NW and then EW. Then he dropped his day sleep to 1 hour and has now recently for the last month or so starting taking 1 and 1/2 to 2 hours (Chatting and singing) to fall asleep at night.
Becky kindly suggested bringing his bedtime earlier which thankfully seems to have eliminated the NW but means at the moment I am having to put him to bed at 4.40PM in order to get him to sleep at a decent time of 6.20PM. He then wakes anytime between 5.20am and 6.20am. I have been putting him back down to sleep at 11.30 but he still is only sleeping for 1 hour which then means I again need to put him to bed at 4.40 and then after a few days he then starts waking earlier, which then means every 4 or 5 days he was ending up falling asleep in the car at 9.30 ish.
He did this last weekend and he slept for 1/2 in the car so I tried him in his cot 2 and 1/2 hours later, he rested for 2 hours but didn't sleep then had the best nights sleep ever 12 and 1/2 hours and the day after had a lunchtime sleep of 1 and 1/2 hours !!!! However, I then made another mistake and thought OK he's had a decent lunchtime nap, i'll put him to bed at 5.10pm instead of 4.40pm but this backfired and it ended up in DS being awake for 2 hours chatting during the night !! So ...I thought if I can get him to fall asleep in the car again early morning, then rest again in his cot later in the day, might be able to get out of it that way......but no.......I've tried everyday since and he just seems even more determined not to fall asleep now in the car !!!! He seems to have a rest, which doesn't seem to have any effect on his lunchtime nap either way !
I think my poor boy is so OT I just don't know what to do

I've tried AP him back to sleep when he wakes after the hour but he won't go back. I've tried WI/WO to try get him back to sleep and that doesn't work either.
I was thinking of trying to move his lunchtime nap earlier, starting with say 3 days of awake time of 5 1/2 hours, then 3 days of 5 hours 15 mins and then 3 of 5 hours (regardless of what time he wakes in the morning) which again was a suggestion of Becky's (Thanks again) I did try doing this in the past when Becky suggested it but then ended up getting into a pickle with the night sleeps as his lunchtime sleep never got longer than 1 hour which made an even longer afternoon before bed which equals a restless night :-( Which then makes him more grumpy the next morning and therefore more tired before his nap and so the cycle continues

Sorry for the long one :-(
Thanks in advance