Author Topic: 20 weeks and on solids  (Read 2547 times)

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20 weeks and on solids
« on: May 31, 2009, 19:29:21 pm »
My lo has been on solids for 4 weeks now Spoke to hv and she agreed since he weighed 16lb 12oz and was 64cm and showing signs of looking 4 solids 2 start him slowly He takes 2 teaspoons of fruit puree @ 7 along with 3/4 oz he has never been gr8 at taking his first morning bottle then bottle at 11am and 3pm He is due his next feed @ 7pm which is now 4 teaspoons of veg puree and 6oz milk then 8oz df @ 11 We are finding that his 7pm feed is getting earlier and earlier and he refuses to take any more milk @ 3pm so inturn his he is stirring at df
Should we introduce another solid @ 3pm or would it make sense to give him his solid about 5.30 then bottle @ 7pm
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Offline shivi

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Re: 20 weeks and on solids
« Reply #1 on: May 31, 2009, 19:48:59 pm »

I am thinking about solids with Emma too (born 9th Jan)...she is 67cm and just over 17lbs so a BIG girl...and introduced them with Oscar at 20 weeks who was marginally bigger 67.5cm and 17lbs 10zo at 18 weeks.

I would say making a "tea" of your veg puree would be no harm  but its not going to give him a lot of calories. Pushing him to drink better from his bottles will give him the most calories (I mean how many calories are in four spoons of mushy carrot.???).

We now have the problem of Emma stirring at 5am (sorry I HAVE!!! DH doesn't notice this problem) and I am wondering if I should start her on some rice flakes on my milk (still EBF)....

going to paediatrician tomorrow....will let you know what she thinks....

with Oscar I got the go ahead at the 20 week mark and started him on rice flakes on my milk around an hour after first feed and once it was ok, added in some fruit (pear, then apple).....then made the same kind of tea around the 5pm mark with breast feeds at 3pm and 7pm.....and only later added in the veggies as a lunch after the 11am feed around noon...

but different strokes for different LOs...and my two are VERY different....

good luck....I am thinking you need to encourage him to take more in the way of formula though as the early solids don't really do anything for adding calories.....


Siobhain - Mammy to Oscar and Emma, forever spirited, currently bilingual and curly, formerly baldy, extended breastfeeders!

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Re: 20 weeks and on solids
« Reply #2 on: June 01, 2009, 07:22:36 am »
He's really terrible at taking milk The problem being he has a condition called pku Which means i have 2 limit a certain protein in his milk He is only allowed 15oz of Aptamil but can get as much of his other milk (analog) ideally another 15oz but he refuses it In the morning he gets his analog and this morning he took 2oz We added some in2 his fruit but he opened his mouth and let it fall out showing he didnt want it So i gave him other fruit wa water and he ate it all His next feeds 11 3 7 he will only take his 5oz aptamil then in his df will take 8oz of analog Hv just say again "as long as he's putting on weight"
Boyd started stirring at 5amish it was the daylight he likes the dark so we got black out curtains they work gr8 only thing now he wakes doing a poo!
If you think about it based on guidelines 6 months is recommed 4 introducing solids but @ 3 months Boyd weighed the same as an average 6 month based on there guidelines
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Re: 20 weeks and on solids
« Reply #3 on: June 01, 2009, 12:27:59 pm »
hugs on the PKU and him refusing his special formula....especially if he won't even take it hidden in the fruit!!!

Maybe you could try plain rice flakes (and not preprepared cereal for babies) and add the analog and fruit to that...that way he's getting his formula as well as the rice/fruit???

As for big babies and early solids....there are always two theories on those party would say, bigger babies take in more at each feed so they don't ned the solids whereas the other would say bigger babies need more than solids to sustain them (but like I say, early solids don't really add much in the way of calories until baby is eating a proper breakfast and tea at least - lets say a few scoops of rice cereal on 4-5oz of milk and few ice cubes of pureed fruit....) and that takes a while to get to, even with a great grubber like my Oz was.....

S x

Siobhain - Mammy to Oscar and Emma, forever spirited, currently bilingual and curly, formerly baldy, extended breastfeeders!

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Re: 20 weeks and on solids
« Reply #4 on: June 01, 2009, 16:49:59 pm »
Size and weight shouldn't be the only indicators for starting solids.  Some los just need a little more milk or an adjustment to the routine to help sleep better.  As well, there the GS that happen around 4 & 6 mos mark.  Having said that, all los are different.  Do remember that bm/formula still contains more nutritional benefits (vitamins, minerals, fats, & calories) to a growing infant than any solids at this age.  Solids may be more filling as they are harder to digest which can give a false sense that solids are better for the los because they are not eating as often as bm/formula which is easily digestible. :)

I would be inclined to increase the milk intake instead of increasing the solids.  Puree veggies/fruits do not compare to bm/formula in terms of nutritional value oz per oz.  Could you change the environment when you offer him his bottle?  Or change the teat/nipple size?  Have you talked to your dr/ped regarding his milk intake?

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Re: 20 weeks and on solids
« Reply #5 on: June 01, 2009, 17:32:23 pm »
Hi there,

My DS started on solids (rice in the am) at 17 weeks!  He was grabbing at any food I ate with him in my arms and licking/gumming anything that I would let him!!

It took us a while to work up to 3 meals a day and now he has 3 meals and 3 bottles a day (8oz, 7oz and 8oz - he also has extra formula in his cereal).

Just an idea but could you split his 7pm feed?  Perhaps give him more veg a bit earlier (I believe you can mix this with baby rice/ cereal and water to increase calorie content) - and then give him his bottle 45mins - an hour later? - which I have jsut reread you suggested in your post anyway!!

One other there a reason he has to have his analog in the morning?  Could you give him his aptamil first thing and analog at another feed?  Or if it's the taste he doesn't like, could you mix his aptamil with the analog?  If you did half and half perhaps you could get more formula into him?  Which as the PPs have said has a much higher calorie content.  Not sure if you would be allowed to do this (speak to your HV?).  When I moved DS onto formula I had to mix half and half with EBM and gradually decrease the EBM as he would refuse it otherwise.


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Re: 20 weeks and on solids
« Reply #6 on: June 01, 2009, 19:08:02 pm »
Thanx 4 the hug He had now got his own rusks he isnt allowed normal cereals at the moment and i tried him with it 2nite and he loved it He hasnt been to bad 2day well apart fae 2oz this morning he took 9oz @11 7oz@ 3 and with his rusk 8oz @6.45 :)

Mimi 2
i offer him 9oz each feed but only takes his aptamil milk and very occasionally his analog unless asleep Ive also tried 3 different sets of bottles with 2 different sized teats Ive tried feeding him in his usual room with tv off or gentle music ,sitting up laying back ,his nursery on the feeding chair, our room on the bed along with been out in various places and no constant difference
He is been treated 4 reflux which has made a difference no more fighting from the first bottle That was my the idea of his dietition  He has been checked for thrush 2 all is clear Spoke 2 hv she said try different teats but not 2 worry as he gaining weight One doc said same then just feed him up wa solids! I have been asking advice on his routine and we are working on it He sleeps gr8 most nites till 6.30/7 Been ssh and w2s to stretch his 30mins naps 3 times a day 4or5 days on he is having 2 1 1/2hrs broken naps and 1 40mins nap

« Last Edit: June 01, 2009, 19:22:02 pm by *lexie* »
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Re: 20 weeks and on solids
« Reply #7 on: June 01, 2009, 19:34:45 pm »
DS watches eveything we eat 2 he was sitting in his high chair 2nite while we had t with his water(which he doesnt like) in a cup mmhing I picked up his prescription 2day and tried him with rusk 2nite which he loved they are only small but a full 1 needs 1 -2oz doesnt even make 1/2 jar size so im going 2 give him it in the morning see how that goes After it it made him thursty and he drunk another 1 1/2oz :) bonus!
The milk needs 2 be spread evenly through out the day and he is only allowed 15oz so if i gave him some Aptamil in the morning there would be less 2 give through the day He would take less then each feed at least if i do just analog wa a solid i know he will be filled more We asked about mixing milks but if he didnt take it all then we wouldnt know exactly how much he had in the day His analog has a little more calories but is as thin as water and it isnt as filling so other parents have told us He seemed 2 last well 2day between 3 and 6.45 but dunno if that was because his nap was later
« Last Edit: June 01, 2009, 19:37:19 pm by *lexie* »
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Re: 20 weeks and on solids
« Reply #8 on: June 01, 2009, 19:40:06 pm »
lexie as far as cereals are concerned, I know there are packaged types with formula added for ease of preparation but I used PLAIN rice flakes (not additions) for DS on my milk....maybe this is an option....????

Siobhain - Mammy to Oscar and Emma, forever spirited, currently bilingual and curly, formerly baldy, extended breastfeeders!

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Re: 20 weeks and on solids
« Reply #9 on: June 01, 2009, 19:50:22 pm »
His diet is so strict he cant have that His main diet is and will be all fruits most veg no meat no sugar free juice On prescription he can have things like cheese pasta rice cereals bread or anything containing flour! If you look at labels on food packets on anything that says 0.3 or less protein per 100g he can have That is some task i did it b4 we got a list and went to 4 shops came home wa 6 baby jars all sweet!
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Re: 20 weeks and on solids
« Reply #10 on: June 01, 2009, 19:57:46 pm »
yep my plain rice flakes (have a bag ready for Emma) are 7,8 g per 100g of no go there.

Oh he's so limited in what he can take!!!!!!!!!!!

more hugs }}}}}}}}}}{{{{{{{{{{

Siobhain - Mammy to Oscar and Emma, forever spirited, currently bilingual and curly, formerly baldy, extended breastfeeders!

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Re: 20 weeks and on solids
« Reply #11 on: June 01, 2009, 20:08:51 pm »
I know and its easier just now cos his exchanges are his 15oz of aptamil its when i have 2 start counting weighin and measuring food and he only eats a little of it then the problems start Then he has a suplement he has 2 get 2 when solids are in full swing!
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Re: 20 weeks and on solids
« Reply #12 on: June 02, 2009, 08:50:42 am »
Again this morning DS only took 2oz but had a little of his solids Is it possible he is still full from his dream feed the nite b4?
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Re: 20 weeks and on solids
« Reply #13 on: June 02, 2009, 14:39:03 pm »
It could be, how much does it usually take for the df?  How much time has pass since the last df?  Do you feed his bottle right away or wait till he is showing signs of hunger in the morning?  As his diet is limited, I waould really try to get him to take more milk or at least mix some formula into his soilds.  Start as samll then increase the amount.  A diet of fruits & veggies is will not be sufficient for his body to growth.  Has your dr/hv recommended some sort of meal plans for him or suggested a dietician for you for the long term?  Sometimes it may take a few probing to get then to take you seriously.  I remembered taking me about few ped's visit to convince him that referred me to a dietician and feeding clinic for dd.

Hugs.  There are a couple of nurses and dieticians on BW.  I'll try to see if I can get some of them to take a look at your thread.

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Re: 20 weeks and on solids
« Reply #14 on: June 02, 2009, 18:57:49 pm »
at df he usually takes about 8oz thats at 11 then he has his next bottle at 7am I usually give him 10ish mins 2 come round then feed him I just think he must be hungry cos its been ages fae last feed He v rarely shows signs of hunger
Im now starting to give him his own rusks in the morning a 1/2 jar size needs about 1-2 oz I tried him 2nite with his own pasta (like baby rice) but he gagged on it He will have his own range of foods as he gets older but its mainly a diet of fruit and veg at the moment
I have been asking docs hv's and Boyds dietician about not taking any more milk but i think its cos he is such a big boy they dont want him putting on alot of weight
Apart fae the morning feed his other feeds 2day have been about 8oz :) I dont know if this has anything 2 do with his naps being longer 1 1/2hrs and 1 3/4hrs!!
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