Hi there,
Does my EASY need tweaking? DD is 5 ½ months old. She used to wake up at 7, feed every 4 hours, and her naps were 2hr, 2hr and 45 min. The naps are now getting a little shorter and the night has moved from 12 to 11 hours within the last few days. Here is what our routine looked like today:
6:00 wake; she just coos and plays until I pick her up at around 6:30.
6:30 feed
8:00 sleep; she goes down really easily for her first nap.
9:30 wake
10:30 feed
11:30 sleep [but sometimes, it’ll be closer to 12:00 before she is actually asleep. Not as easy to put her down as nap 1, but still OK]
1:00 wake
2:30 feed [but she is really tired and tends to fall asleep on the breast since it’s been about 90 minutes of A time already… and I keep having to wake her up to ensure she gets a good feed]
4:00 Catnap for 45 minutes. It’s sometimes hard to put her down… she’ll cry and with shush-pat, we get her to sleep for 30-45 min. I try to put her down earlier, but haven’t been very successful. She’ll just cry and cry.
6:00 bath and feed.
7:00 sleep. (I try to out her down earlier, but she’s generally asleep only by 7)
For the last few days, she has been getting up around 8pm, and it takes us about 15-20 minutes to put her back down. Then, around 9:30pm, I wake her for her DF. She then sleeps until around 6am.
Any thoughts? Overall, I am happy with our routine, but a little concerned with the fact that it’s getting a little hard to actually put her down and her general mood is not as good as it used to be. Is it time to eliminate the catnap? What should I be changing?