Author Topic: help with end of day PLEASE!  (Read 549 times)

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Offline greenteamomma

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help with end of day PLEASE!
« on: June 03, 2009, 22:04:31 pm »
My lo and I have been struggling with a two day vicious cycle because of the end of day.  He wilkl be 5 months in 10 days.  This is today:
df 11:30 BF
NW 4-5:50 happy playing in crib....
wake 6:30
E 7:00
A 1 h 50 min
S8:50-10 just pressure for twitches
E 10 would not extend
A 1h 50
S 11:50-1:15 just pressure for twitches
E 1:30
A 2hrs would not go down sooner which would be fine with me
S 3:15 3:50 wake, could not extend but happy
E 4:30
CN tried for 45 mins would not go....just at this very moment 6pm he had a huge BM...maybe...

sleep will not go down under 3 hrs...tried cn early for this reason didn't work

problem is:  goes to bed so tired up at 6 which is ok but end of day becomes early then he is up during the night like last night...see the cycle? to tweek the routine? 

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Re: help with end of day PLEASE!
« Reply #1 on: June 13, 2009, 17:33:48 pm »
bumping to see if someone could help me!  Thanks!

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Re: help with end of day PLEASE!
« Reply #2 on: June 14, 2009, 07:36:45 am »
oh i have the same issue!!! my boy will be 5 months on Wed, sometimes he just will not take a catnap, last night we put him to bed at 6.30pm and he woke at 9pm screaming till 10pm, gave him a DF at 10.30 and nightwakings after that, including some early wakings, hopefully someone can help you and i can just watch and use the same advice :)

Offline Mashi

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Re: help with end of day PLEASE!
« Reply #3 on: June 14, 2009, 09:57:25 am »
At a first glance, to me it seems like he is not getting enough A time during the day. By about 4 months babies are creeping up to 2 full hours of awake time, and that may be even a bit more towards 2h15 by 5 months.  He IS taking decent naps, but I suspect that if you can stretch out his A time then he will start getting naps a bit closer to two hours in. The waking up to play in his cot from 4 - 530 definitely seems to me to be a sign that he needs more awake time during the day ... he's not getting it so he just takes it at night when he can.

What I would do is start stretching his first awake time in the morning to 2 hours.  Do it gently, not by filling it with lots of activity but nice quieter activity time.  If he can handle that, and still do a nice long nap, then I would leave that one at 2 hours, but start pushing his second one to 2 hours. Then once he can do that and still give you a good long nap, start pushing that second A time to 2h10 min, or 2h15 min.  His third A time is already two hours, that's great, and that last nap that you have at 315, you don't want to extend that one anyway. It's his catnap that he will start dropping over the next 6 - 8 weeks or so anyway, so keep that at 30 - 45 minutes. 

A key thing to remember with it is that you should look at it as a gentle and slow plan to do over say, 10 or so days, rather than just one day deciding to keep him up longer. Otherwise he will get OT and you'll just have more problems! If you do it slowly and let him get used to the awake times, he should get used to sleeping a bit longer as well, and not needing the play time at 4am!

Is that making sense?

Offline greenteamomma

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Re: help with end of day PLEASE!
« Reply #4 on: June 15, 2009, 15:23:44 pm »
thank you !  We have gotten A time to 2 hrs give or take 5 minutes since I posted that routine a while ago...server....I am having the night wakes and I agree that I need to increase A time.
A few questions about extending A time:  I have noticed that I have been going by the clock and not the baby so I am trying to change that as it is just not right.  So, even though I am trying to get him to extend, do I not respond to the rubbing the eyes when he is in my arms and it's been only 2 hrs of A time?  I usually do a few little songs and rock him about 5 mins before I put him down awake but sleepy.  Then I shh/pat.
Second question, he handles almost 2 hrs and 45 mins to 3 hrs awake after his last nap of the day...he will not drop off to sleep in his crib until atleast 2 hrs 15 mins to 2 hrs 3o mins in the evening.  He doesn't cry, he just sucks his thumb and adjusts himself.  Prior to putting him down, he doesn't cry like the rest of the day if A time is too long (a while back he was OT from too much A time so I know).  Does this long awake time affect his night sleep if he is ok with this A time?  I feel he is not being "tortured" by being awake but some have said it causes EW.