Well i tried extending the time between her feeds, and she waited (quite happily) until 3hrs 40 mins, but she still only took 3oz before faffing. And by faffing i mean, i winded her, winded her some more, tried again, no joy, winded again to make absolutely sure no wind, tried again no joy. Still took 40 mins!!!
So i have decided to be cruel to be kind, and didn't offer her any more, and will make her wait until her next feed. Hopefully she will realise that if she doesn't eat it when offered, its gone. I really thought i would get a fight trying to put her down as she was sucking her hands etc, but no, well she put up a little one and had a cry for about a minute then went to sleep!
So she is due another feed at 5.10 so thats when i am going to feed her, and lets see if she takes any more. I am just really hoping that this doesn't bite me on the bum, and i end up with NW's to make up the calories!!!
Will let you know how i get on