
When did your little one managed to find their fingers / thumbs to self soothe?

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Author Topic: When did your little one manage to find their fingers / thumbs to self soothe?  (Read 567 times)

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Offline Mum of girl, boy, boy

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Just curious.

I've done easy with my first two kids. The two things they had in common when they started to sleep through (7-7) was hitting 12/13lbs and being able to find their fingers or thumb to suck.

Baby number 3 is really big. He has already hit 12lbs at 4 weeks but his digestive systems is still maturing. You can tell by the number of poo's etc and type. He is moving into that phase of being more alert. No where near finding his hands yet but most of the time settles on his own but I've noticed the last couple of nights he's been a bit more sucky and also not always needed feeding but expects it.

I have yet to decide if I will encourage him to find his fingers to the extent I did with the other two. It works well for us because they sleep through with that to help very early but I'm not sure if it is a good thing for the teeth. I'd love to hear what methods of self soothing your children had if they could sleep through pretty early.

Thanks in advance.


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Offline aimeeL

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My LO didn't use her thumb to self-soothe until about a wk after we took her paci away at about 5 mo... and now she sucks on it lots to help her sleep.. kinda cute!

Offline *Liz*

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My lo has never used his fingers like that. I waited and waited expecting him to sleep better once he had as he refused to take a paci. At about 12 weeks he found them - chewed than a few times and that was it. He learned to sooth himself to sleep by rubbing his head against his blankie and rubbing his head into the mattress.

My DS has been an independent sleeper from 4 mths. But he does not yet sleep though the night at 9 mths - he is a very poor eater with severe reflux - I have no doubt that he would have slept through much earlier without his medical issues.