Do you think fighting the swaddle might actually be disturbing sleep? Are you weaning it at the moment.
The routine doesn't look too bad - but the luchtime nap is a little short at only 1 hr, and then there is 2 hrs A before the catnap and 2hrs 15 until bed so I'm wondering if he might actually be a bit OT at bedtime, leading to some of the NWings.
Have you tried any other A times to lengthen that nap? How does he wake from the lunchtime nap? Happy and chatty or crying?
I'm the WORST person to comment on night feeds as I still feed my 9 mth old at night - although he has reflux and is very small. But ((hugs)) it is frustrating, isn't it? I have never dream fed as my DS didn't take to it when I was BFing, and I decided he was too old to bother when I switched to bottles. I would try to slowly decrease it by 1oz every 3 days and then see whether your lo is prepared to take more during the day. I think there are some babies who cannot manage more than 6oz of milk as their tummies are too small. If that is the case it will be a metter of slowly waiting until the solids are more established. But you don't want to give any more calories at night than you have to.
Lots of people keep the dream feed until 9 mths or so depending on how well their los take to solids.