There isn't really anything wrong with feeding every 2.5 hrs at such a young age during the day - but it looks as though the breast might have become a bit of a prop at night. Even if she is not feeding to sleep, the she is wanting the comfort and relaxation of a BF. But it really would be TOTALLY normal for an 8 week old to want to feed every 3 hrs 24 hrs a day.
So in some respects you might not actually be that far off - just exhausted after the first 8 weeks with a teeny baby.
It might be worth a post on the BFing forum for some advice about what is achievable with feed lengthening at this age. My DS always fed every 2-3 hrs until about 5 mths or so. I stopped his snacking by VERY VERY slowly lengthening the feeds - and I used distraction for 5-10 mins to do this. DS never took a paci. But it is much easier to distract a 5 mth old

When she wakes after only 1 hr at night have you tried to resettle without feeding? I know it is hard when others need to sleep.
Does she feed to sleep during the day?
Do you want to post what happened today in EAS format so we can see. Perhaps if we can get the timing of the naps right that might help to lengthen the feeds a bit.