Just wanted to post my routine see what you ladies think as I am having trouble with Finns napping and night wakings from 1.30am and early morning. Finn is 11 weeks old today and a very tempremental baby, has reflux and can sometimes have days of non-stop crying bless him.
please tell me what im doing wrong
5.45-6.15: Wakes smiling and wanting to play.
6.45: 6 oz
7.30-9.30: Sleep
10.00: 6 oz
10.15-11.30: get dressed play etc
11.30-1.00: Sleep
1.15: 6 oz
1.15-3.00: Play
3.00-4.30: sleep
4.30: 6 oz
now this is where I find it difficult as I bath Finn at 6.30-7.00 but he seems to want to sleep from 5.45-6.00ish from half an hour, shoukld I let him do this then bath him?
Currently I bath him around 6.45 with 60z bottle he then wakes at 1.30am religiously every night, but dummy in, then he wakes anytime between 2.30-4 takes 4-6 oz, then up around 5am onwards
any help ladies?