Long time since I have needed to post here as things have been going along nicely, but now the 2-1 nap transition is upon us I would like a bit of assistance please.
What is the expected A time for a 13.5mth old? My DS2 has always erred on the side of needing less A time than average, but i am curious as to what is the 'norm'.
Yesterday we had our first successful 1 nap day, and I am just wondering what to do today as he woke a little earlier than yesterday.
Also, does it confuse them if you go back and forward between 2 and 1 naps while you get them used to the 1 nap?
DS1 transitioned really easily and just went from 1 day to the next from 2-1 naps so I didn't have this uncertainty with him
Thanks so much