My LO is now 9.5 months old, a textbook angel baby. Lately, she has started getting up earlier, and able to have up to 4 hours of A time on a 1 hr 15 min to a 1.5 hr nap, this ends up making her day longer than the usual 12 hrs. She goes 5 hours between breast feeds, and loves her solids. Also, how do I work eating times (solids vs. nursing) into the easy day?
Wake: 6:30
Breastfeed 7:00
Solids: 8:00
Sleep: 10:15 (3 hrs. 45 min A time) - 11:15 or 11:30
Breastfeed 12:00
Solids: 1:00
Sleep: 3:30 (4 hrs A time) - 4:30 or 4:45
Breastfeed: 4:45
Solids: 5:45
Sleep: 8:15 or 8:30 (with bath and wind down)
So, do you think she's ready for 1 nap? Her naps used to be longer and have been getting shorter, and is waking earlier in the morning, and will not go back to sleep. I've even tried snuggling her back to sleep with no luck, she just wants to play and get up.