I am sure many of you have seen the never ending threads about my LO. He has had some health issues, which have definitely effected his sleep. After 2 straight weeks of somewhat normalcy, now my LO is starting to wake at 4 or 4:30. To be honest, he has always woken early (between 5 and 6), but it is getting worse.
During the week, my LO takes 2 - 1 hour naps or sometimes even shorter, because the environment isn't always condusive to sleep at day care. This usually ends with an early bed time of 6 and as a result, we have a wake time of 5. Eleven hours of sleep is the max for my LO. On the weekends, my LO will take 2 - 1.5 hour naps, which results in a later bed time and he will still wake at his usual time of 5. Someone did the math for me before and with longer naps and shorter nights, he was still getting 13 hours of sleep. So he just needs less day sleep, to get longer nights.
Since last Wednesday, he has been waking between 4 - 4:30. Yesterday he did this and almost refused a 2nd nap (DH did alot of AP and got him to sleep 45 minutes after he put him down). I have read about the 2 - 1 transition and I am wondering if the EW's are because of the need to transition to 1 nap? But I don't see how we could do this when my LO can't make it too late in the morning. Also, I wouldn't know how to start the switch when his sleep at day care is so inconsistent. Could the nap transition be the reason for the EW's or am I missing something.