Hi All,
Well things have just seemed to have gone to pot! Before the weekend, my lo had been moved to a mixture of a 3.5hr EASY and 3hr EASY, so she was having 2 x 2hr naps a day, then a catnap, then bed. She woke after 30 mins after going to bed, but then went down for the night after her 8 o clock feed. This was fine, apart from she started waking twice in the night, but i decided i could handle that whilst she got used to the new routine.
But then i went away for the weekend, and even though i made sure her first nap was always in her cot and was 2 hrs, the rest of the day was a bit rubbish as we were either out or travelling. I then tried to keep bed time the same too.
I just accepted that things wouldn't be great whilst we were away but hoped i could try and get things back on track once we were back, but yesterday was a total disaster and today seems to be going in pretty much the same direction! She didn't nap longer than 45 mins yesterday, and i think she had a total of 2.5 hrs sleep all day!

So by the night time she was absolutely knackered, was too tired to eat, too hungry to sleep, so i managed to get 2oz down her then she finally zonked at 9.15pm. She actually slept well in the night, waking at 1 and 5.30 and took a total 5oz both feeds. but she was still very tired this morning, so i left her and she slept til 8.45!

She has just had 1hr 45 mins A time without a yawn so i put her down anyway as she was getting ratty, and wouldn't settle without a dummy! She normally settles really well on her own. That is another thing, she has really started to need a dummy alot more, and i'm really worried its going to become a prop. Is using it to help her settle bad???
Anyway i am rambling on, i just feel like its all gone to pot, what do i do? Was leaving her to sleep a bad thing? I am worried that this will be the 5th day that things haven't been right, and i am worried the whole routine is going to go wrong!
Sorry for the long post, anyone got any advice???