Thanks for replying so quickly - your post made me feel much less overwhelmed!

Today's schedule:
E: 4:50AM - aprox 12 min. then would NOT go back down (usually falls right back asleep) - I put her back in her crib but after 20 min. crying off/on I got her and she ate a little bit more (1-2 min.) then started to get drowsy - I put her back in crib and she fell asleep after 2-3 min (very little crying). Had also gotten up to eat from 11:20 - 11:45 but that time ate and went right back to sleep.
S: slept from 5:50 - 7 AM (usually wakes between 7-8 but previous day was 6:10

E: would not eat upon waking (or right before nap (8:20))
A: 7 - 8:10 played w/ DH (I stayed in bed)
S: in crib @ 8:40 light crying off and on for 10 minutes, slept 8:50 - 9:30 (she yawned a couple of times but did not seem all that tired - wasn't sure if I should put her to bed but we were approaching 2 hour mark so I did).
E: 9:30 6-7 minutes BF
A: 9:45 - 10:55 played w/ toys
E: 10:55 nursed for 5 minutes
S: in crib @ 11 mix babble / light crying for 10-15 minutes, slept 11:05-11:40 (unsuccessful w2s)
A: up for 50 minutes after nap but VERY fussy - still clearly exhausted so next nap was just an hour later
S: in crib @ 12:35 - asleep by 12:43, slept until 1:20
E: 1:20, 10 minutes BF
A: 1:30 - 3:10 played and went out to stores, mostly good spirits
S: again she seemed maybe tired but it could go either way, decided to try for nap so that she would not be OT for bed (we do bath and bed routine from 5 - 6 and in crib by 6), but she cried more this time and then only slept for 5 minutes. Was clearly tired when I got her, but didn't want to let her sleep at that point (3:40).
A: played and went for long walk to get us to the 5 PM mark. Somewhat fussy but was ok since mostly held and entertained the whole time (usual for late afternoon). Offered to nurse a couple of times but not interested.
A: 5 - 5:15 Bath (her FAVORITE time of day - loves loves loves her tubby time!) at 5PM - immediately gets very fussy when putting PJs on (since birth, not sure why since she usually loves to get dressed, etc.).
E: Refused to eat (offered bottle and breast) for 10 - 15 minutes. Put her in the pack n play w/ mobile and waited for her to demand me to come back. Finally started to nurse at 5:35, nursed for 10 - 15 minutes.
S: Fell asleep while nursing. Put her in crib at 5:50 but she immediately woke up and started to scream like I've never heard. Rushed back in b/c I thought she was in pain - picked her up and she screamed louder. I offered to nurse to calm her and she ate for 30 seconds and fell right back asleep. Little bugger tricked me

I put her back in crib @ 6 PM, she screamed like crazy for one minute and then was asleep two minutes later.
And that's been my day so far . . . I'm tired just typing it!
My big issues are - how to get her to be on a better eating schedule (start eating when waking between 7 -

, should I try and get her to nap at the same time every day (9, 1, 3, eg), and what I can do besides w2s for longer naps - I'm considering letting her cry for a while when she wakes, but it is so hard for me to do that to her when I don't know if it will work - it is easier for going to sleep initially because then I KNOW she will eventually sleep.
Thanks again for any advice you can offer!
Edited to add: Last night she woke up at 10:30 and fussed off/on for over half an hour - it was clear her teething was bothering her. She never did full-on crying and was mostly laying down to sleep (we have a video monitor) so I didn't go in, but then she popped right back up at 11:15 and started whimpering again so I went in and fed her so that I could go to bed myself. It was 11:35 when I put her down and she slept until 5:50 - but now she's up for the day which I hate. I prefer it wen she gets up between 4 - 5 and goes back down until 7-8. I am thankful for almost 6 hours of sleep though!