My dd is 20 weeks. Our EASY is going awesome, although I'm not sure when they transition from three naps to two. Here is our routine:
Wake 8:15
E 8:30 (rice cereal and 5oz bottle)
S 10:15-12:15 (sometimes this ends up being longer but never any more than 2.5hr)
E 12:15
S 2:15-4:00 (this nap is usually a little over 1.5, especially when the first nap was longer)
E 4:15
S anywhere from 5:45-6:00 only 45 minute catnap
E 6:30
Bath 7:45
E 8:00
S 8:30 (on a good night, sometimes it leans more to 9 after she done babbling or whining)
When they drop the late afternoon cat nap does bedtime move up or stay the same. I tried moving bedtime up to 7:30-8 when she dropped her early evening catnap but she still didn't want to go to sleep until after 8. all her bottles are 5ozs.