I am starting EASY with my 5 week old baby. It seems as though the harder I try to get her to sleep on her own, the worse things get.
I started putting her to bed with a routine at 1 week old in the bassinet: nursing, swaddling, cuddling, pat/shh. She would go 2-3 hrs between feedings, sometimes she would sleep next to me just because I fell asleep too. We added a bath to her bedtime routine at 2 weeks. Last week I started putting her in her crib for bedtime. Some nights I would be in there with her screaming for an hour. She will fall asleep then wake 5 min later and scream again for another 5 min. Sometimes I'll hold her and not be able to calm her down and she'll scream in my arms for 15 min. I cannot handle this very well at all. DH is almost no help, he is not willing to do BW and would let her CIO. I have had to leave the room for a few minutes to gather myself. The pat/shh does not seem to comfort her, I have tried both separately. I have tried just resting my hand on her. She will not take a paci. Other nights she does not cry much and just needs help getting over those minor twitches (we still swaddle.)
Here is what today looked like:
1am: E
3am: diaper change, reswaddle
5am: E
7am: E (this is start of our 'day'),A: diaper change, some cooing, reswaddle
715am: S
830am: A (trying to stretch before next feed)
845: E, A: burping, diaper, say hi to 3 yo brother
915: S, went to sleep easily in crib, but kept waking every 15 min with crying
1030: E, A: play date came over, she watched us, talked to her
11: nap in carrier, slept 2 solid hrs
1pm: E, A: diaper change, burping. look at toys in carseat. Off to mall to run errands
130:S, sleeps great on errands
2:15 E, small amount, right back to sleep
4: E, A Diaper, burp, looking at trees outside
430: Swaddle, cuddle, starts screaming as soon as head hits crib. Wakes every 15 min screaming
545: E, still trying to get her to nap.
630: small E, got her up. Had to make dinner and couldnt let her scream in crib alone.
745: bath, calm for bath, then starts screaming after, is overtired from lack of nap before dinner
8: S, screaming for 20 min until she will breastfeed. Basically falls asleep at boob. Put her in crib.
I have been following a loose EASY, however we are always on the go with our 3.5 YO so daytime naps are frquently in car seat or stroller or carrier. She has been doing great with them. She sleeps well in the noisiest of places and really bright places (like the pool in a shaded area.) What has really been driving me crazy is putting her to nap/bed in her crib. I have not yet found what sooths her. So how do I get her to sleep in crib? How do I try to extend her between feed times? She nurses for about 5 minutes and then is DONE, purses her lips and won't take more.