My son, Conor, is almost 11 weeks old but was born 3 weeks early. He's been on EASY since birth and I aim for a 7/10/1/4/7 feeding schedule. The dreamfeed has not worked for us (he is completely out of it and will not feed at 10:30/11 pm) so he wakes around 2/3/4 am for one night feed. Then back to sleep til anywhere between 6 & 7.
My problem with our EASY schedule is that he sleeps alot and cannot stay up longer than an hour at a time. He has been crying in the evening time for an hour+ (separate issue posted in General Sleep) and we're beginning to think that it's because of his sleepiness in some way.
My biggest issue is with the cat nap. After his third nap, he's up for one hour and then looks to go to sleep again. He then takes a 30 minute catnap (not a minute more if you were to pay him!!). But this leaves us facing a very early bedtime and therefore not achieving our 12 hour day.
Our EASY is as follows:
E: 7am
A: 7 - 8
S: 8 - 10
E: I wake him @ 10
A: 10 - 11
S: 11 - 1
E: I wake him @ 1
A: 1-2
S: 2 - 4
E: I wake him @ 4
A: 4-5
S: Catnap 5 - 5:30 in front carrier
A: Bathtime/Pyjamas etc. 5:30
E: 5:45 - 6:05/6:10
S: 6:15 (!!!!!!)
So as you can see we're out by 45 minutes in our 12-hour day. This in turn is causing EWs. Plus, on attempting to put him down at this time he cries and cries and cries til he basically wears himself out. We don't let him CIO and use shh/pat and comfort him but he still cries the minute he is put into his crib.
I have tried to lengthen the A times with disasterous effect. One days worth of attempting to lengthn the A time left me with a very OT baby for 2 days (very strange). He just seems to be an extremely sleepy baby who needs the 3 * 2 hour naps in the day with a max of 1 hour A time.
Does anyone have any suggestions on how I can tweak our EASY schedule to accomodate my sleepy LO??
Any help would be greatly appreciated!