Author Topic: Any other short nappers out there?  (Read 798 times)

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Any other short nappers out there?
« on: June 18, 2009, 03:45:13 am »
DD has never been a super napper. Her "specialty" is night sleep and has been pretty much since birth. At first I thought once she started crawling she'd start sleeping better during the day.....nope. Then I thought that once she went down to just 1 nap she would start sleeping longer.....nope. So I've come to accept that DD just doesn't need much sleep during the day. She sleeps wonderful at night and always wakes happy, so this is just how she is. Some days though it can be quite frustrating to only get a little over an hour break.

So, is there any other mom's out there that have a short napper? Have you just accepted it or are you still trying to get that nice long 2.5 hour nap? Some days DD will sleep 2.5 hours. This happens about once every 2 weeks or so.  ::) Her average nap length is 1.5 hours. I just want to moan a bit. :D

Offline abaker89

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Re: Any other short nappers out there?
« Reply #1 on: June 20, 2009, 19:14:59 pm »
We have always been like that too, long nights (12 hrs and sometimes more) and short naps.  At 15 mths, she would do 75-90 min for her one nap but there is hope.  After a rough period around 19 mths, she started napping well almost every day.  That has been from 20 mths till now (she is 26 mths).  She actually seems to need/want more sleep as she got older than at age 1 and we actually have had weeks with 3-4 days of 2 hr naps!  It really is more often 1.5 but we still get 12 at night so at age 2, I feel like that is pretty good.  So, it could happen for you and I really hope it does.  I can feel your pain about the short naps, we have had many stretches of time where its only 30 min too, and that is just awful.  I guess some kids are just good nappers and some aren't.


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Re: Any other short nappers out there?
« Reply #2 on: June 21, 2009, 02:13:10 am »
Kaleb sounds a lot like how Charla is now. Nothing has effected her nights but naps are a totally different story. I have pretty much given up and set both her nap and her bedtime at this point because I'm done worrying over it. She's pretty consistent with her 1.5 hour nap and night can range anywhere from 10.5-12 hours but mostly averaging around 11 hours. My mom told me a few days ago that I was done napping at 18 months, so I guess she takes after me, and still to this day I can function on just a few hours sleep.

Offline Sima

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Re: Any other short nappers out there?
« Reply #3 on: June 21, 2009, 22:33:24 pm »
hi, my lo is 30 months and has always been a poor napper--1 hour and once in a blue moon nap 1.5-2 but rare.  She sleep great at night like everyone else.  1.5 is actually I think pretty good and much the norm.  She sometimes naps 30-45 min..not sure why and then I appreciate the 1 hour nap :)

Offline grahan

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Re: Any other short nappers out there?
« Reply #4 on: June 22, 2009, 15:25:36 pm »
I have twins, 15 months old.  I say count your blessings!!!  I have one who naps really well, lately 2.5 - 3 hours.  But, always wakes at 6 am... always!!  Then I have a short napper (1.25 - 1.5 hours) but she always sleeps until 7:30/8.  Bedtime is usually 7:30 for both of them as they wake from the nap around the same time.. my late riser takes a later nap but shorter so the wake time from the nap is around the same time.  Anyway, I can not get them on the same schedule and it makes for a very tired mama!!  I'd give anything to have 2 great nappers who are early risers OR 2 short nappers who sleep 12 - 12.5 hours at night.... sigh ;)
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