my name is Otilia(28) and i am the mother of a wonderfull 3 month old girl: Kara Maureen.
I started EASY when K was 2 months. all well until last week when she start teething i think. ....which doesn't let her sleep ok during the night and because of that she is very fussy during the day...sometimes she just started to scream after being very happy. she refused to eat while awake. only when she was a biy sleep ate and then not very much.
this week is a bit better. coming back to a better routine but still having problems settling her down. but at least she eats more. i think she is going through a growth spur now.(urning 3 months tonite). waking up the last couple of night at differen hours and i feed her.sometimes she eats loads , sometimes she just snacks and flows back to sleep. she never liked the dummy and i never insisted so i think it's too late to start now.
i know that Tracy advice is to take the baby of the dummy at aroun 3-4 months.
She is a good baby ..or used to be a textbook but now she is a bit more touchy. she pays atention at everything around so she gets really overstimulatted and i think this is wy it's hard to fall asleep.
i will really apreciate your advice.....
thank you