Well i pushed her to 4 hours earlier and she only took 2.5oz arghhhh. She also had a poo, prior to this so god knows. But then i fed her 3.5hrs later as she was crying for food and took 4.5oz! I did try her with a teat for thicker liquids, so she took it VERY quickly, but it was to fast for her as the fast flow upset her. But i have now put a pin hole in one of the size 3 teats and see how that goes.
Well she has only spit up tiny amounts today and has had no wind or hiccups issues! This is so hit and miss. I am still not sure if the lactulose has given her a bit of nausea or what, so i don't know. I really wish i could go the docs and ask without being fobbed off!
I spoke to the Health Visitor again today, and she has advised me to keep a food diary for her, so i can go the docs armed with that, so i'm gonna write everything down as of tom. That is eat, how much, time, if she spits up, hiccups etc etc. I'll do this for a few days and if she hasn't improved, i'll go to the docs and ask to see a pediatrician.
Oh i also got a syringe so will give the lactulose tom out of that. Have given her some twice today, and even though her poo had some hard bits, the rest was runny so am not going to give her any more until tomorrow now. I know how it feels to have that 'got the runs feeling' and its not nice, so don't want her to have that!
She has napped quite a bit today,none longer than 45mins, but even though it was hard to get her down now, i think i may be getting off the OT train....will find out tonight.