I have been pumping for months to try and help keep my supply up (lots of issues, not really working, but that's a different story). So I have a pretty good supply of frozen breast milk stored up, and haven't really used any of it yet. Last night DH woke up during the night and heard an alarm going off, so went to check it out, and found out it was the temperature alarm on the deep freeze, where my bags of milk are stored. So I figured we had better start using up the supply, in case the deep freeze stops working. I thawed one of the bags to use, but when I smelled it, it didn't smell very good. So I tasted it, and it tasted like vomit (sorry, kind of gross, I know). Now I am not sure if the temperature got so low that the bags thawed and refroze, and now the milk is bad, or if I possibly have excess lipase in my milk. Does anyone know the best way to reheat the milk if you have excess lipase?