My lo is 20 months, and lately we've been having a bit less sleep and some EW. She recently got over a dual ear infection (her first) and for the past week or so she is sniffly but no other symptoms. I wonder if she's still a bit under the weather and that's what's causing this, but some advice from others may help.
Since 11 months she has been an increasingly good sleeper. First 11 months were no sleep for anyone, ever. Did bw techniques and no soother. She is still not a good napper, about an hour max since about 14 months when she dropped pm nap. So her rough routine now, that she has been quite happy with:
7-8 wake, milk
1/2 hr later - breakfast
11-12 - nap, 1, or rare times, 1/5 hrs
1- 1:30 - lunch
3 - snack
5- dinner
6 - milk
6:30 - sleep
She has been and still seems to be quite happy with the 6:30 bedtime; we'd put her down then even if she wakes closer to 8 because she lacks in naps. So she'd sleep total of about 12.5 - 13 hrs at night, and 1 in the day. Bedtime is now super easy; she practically jumps into the crib and it's radio silence. There are times however where she'll wake a bit earlier for a few days but then it usually corrects itself and she's back to the typical.
So for the past few weeks it hasn't gotten back. Naps are still about an hour, but she's waking up REALLY crabby, crying, hard to console. Before she may wake cranky but it's worse, indicating to me that she didn't sleep enough, but I've tried to leave her a few minutes and she doesn't go back to sleep. After the initial terribleness, she returns to her normal, happy smiling self.
Bedtime is consistent at 6:30 but now she is waking around 6, a few days even earlier. So now it's only 11.5 at night and 1 in the day, so she's functioning on less overall. She is still quite good-natured otherwise, but prone to more meltdowns last few days which I attribute (at least partially) to less sleep.
So my question is if I should continue with no changes and see if she slowly goes back to it, or perhaps she has reached a developmental plateau and her routine may need a tweak - like pushing back bedtime to get a later wake? Other stuff, talking, activity seems all ok, except that her good appetite has also decreased, albeit only slightly since overcoming the illness. Thanks everyone.