She didn't nap at nursery yesterday and was shattered when we got home. Had her in bed by 6pm and asleep 6:15, so much easier to get her to sleep. Woke at 5:15 this morning so 11 hrs. Good, but she's still very tired this morning (wouldn't go back to sleep or bed though), been yawning all morning and very grumpy and clumsy. Kept falling over and just asked to go to bed

now at 9:30am. Asleep in her bed by 9:35! I aksed if she wanted me to lie with her or go to sleep on her own, and she said on her own

I'm hoping this early nap will help her catch up without interfering with bedtime, and I so so wish the EWs would stop!
Did any of your LO's give up the nap but keep the nap just a couple of times/week to start with? Wondering if that would be a way of moving forwards with this... And if so should those occasional naps be short or long?