Author Topic: HELP! I don't want to turn my child into a snacker!!(This IS a ? about EASY)  (Read 3222 times)

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Offline gavinsmum1

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Interesting.  Didn't think that it was such a big deal to have him up 20 minutes later than usual, but it apparently caused the EW, I'm guessing.  I'm going to note today's EASY just so that we're on track here.  Jesse's just 6 months and a couple of days:
fussed in and out of sleep from 5:40-6:40
Woke 6:45
E 7:00
S 9:50-11:30
S 2:50-4:10
A He was VERY fussy/wired during this A time.  I gave him some Motrin thinking that teeth were bugging him.  He was wired all the way up to his bottle, which seemed to calm him and then wind down and bed.
S 7:25

Offline huntersmummyinoz

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some good naps there ;D

you may find he is fussing during his old catnap times. you could try and work in some quiet/low key A time where the catnap used to be and see if that helps the fussiness. it took my LO a few weeks to not grizzle during his old sleepy times.