Hello there ladies,
recently DS#1 (2y4m old,who was always a very easy-going regarding going to bed) has started making trouble at bedtime (both the daytime nap and actual bedtime). He is in BBB, he refuses to lie down, constantly comes out of the bed and says that he doesn't want to go to sleep.
All of this might be accompanied by yawning, eye-rubbing etc - he is pretty tired. He is also trying to buy some time after we finish our bedtime routine (which includes bath, pjs, brushing teeth, couple of songs and a story while he is drinking his bottle of milk) and put him to bed - like asking for some more milk/water, another song etc.He just likes us going back to him, or he just comes out on his own.
The same at naptime at weekends (he is in daycare during the week and naps fine there). If we give up and let him not have his nap (which we usually do cause we can't force him to sleep) he ends up falling asleep immediately if we decide to go out and get into the car and start driving.
His routine has been the same for some time now - he used to wake 6:30 or 7ish, have his nap at 12:30 and go to bed at 19:30 (was asleep in 10 mins or so). Now it takes him around 1 hour to fall asleep...
Since the summer started and the days has gotten longer he is waking earlier - around 5:45 or 6, since it is very tough to completly darken the room. So he is more tired at bedtime, I guess OT has started to play its role and now it is a vicious circle of OT at bedtime - takes longer to fall asleep - not enough nighttime sleep and therefore another reason for EW.
The plan I am implementing now is putting him to bed an hour earlier , so he is in bed by 18:30 and I am darkening the room as much as possible for the mornings - still the same story, takes an hour to fall asleep but at least he is asleep by 19:30 and it seems that he is waking a bit later (6:15 or so)
Now I have been wondering if there is anything else I should do : perhaps his routine is not suitable for his age anymore? And what can I do to deal with his coming out of bed and refusing to go to sleep routine ?
I tried explaining, saying that mommy needs her alone time to eat and get ready for bed, taking him back without talking (he just breaks down in a tantrum)...Nothing works really well..DH usually gives in to him and gives him extra milk, sings him extra songs etc, keeps going in and out which in mine opinion is a bed idea...
...Perhaps all of this is a developmental things, like him being afraid to miss out on anything, but I really at loss how to deal with it.
Need suggestions ,and thanks in advance!!!