Author Topic: Returning to work - how to wean the 1-2 day feeds to formula/cow's milk?  (Read 700 times)

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Offline JaspersMum

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Hi there,

I return to work in 2 months time, when my ds will be 11 months old.  I wish to continue BF in the morning and at bedtime but don't know what to give him during the days I'm at work (three days per week).

He takes water from a sippy cup really well and has refused a bottle since about 6 months. 

We are attempting to wean the dreamfeed so he's having about 4-5 BFs a day.  I'm thinking by 11 months he may be down to 3-4?

When I return to work do I give him formula or is okay to start cow's milk at 11 months for 1-2 feeds a day?

Any advice would be appreciated.


Offline Erin (redstarfalling)

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In Canada, they suggest waiting until about 12 months old for cow's milk, but 11 months is pretty close....  You'd probably be fine with it, IMO, but that's up to you. If it's only 3 days a week, you could nurse the rest of the time, and try pumping while at work to give EBM?  How easy would that be with your job?

At a year, we had about 4 breastfeeds (or equivalent - I was back at work) during the day (and kept that for ages - morning, bedtime, and after naps or for 2 snacks), plus we also had some nightfeeds for a while longer. :D  You could certainly start offering EBM or formula, and later cow's milk in a sippy.

Mother to Megan and Samantha